Well... while we are on the subject... your scotch ain't worth a shat either. It don't say bourbon on the barrel, might just as well poor it in your car or re-gift it next christmas.
thats neat coming from a country where coors is the national beer, ffs.
it taste like the Mississippi, and it looks like it too.
and they serve it at about -45 degrees f for some strange ungodly reason.
COORS LIGHT; tap the rockies
bottled in Hoboken NJ

Coors is alot lighter than the Mississippi which is red.... coors is more the color of water..... taste like water too.
How about meade? I never had it, but seeing as I have all this honey with nothing to do with it.... think I will start making some.
meade !! FFS.. thats fer wimmins an childrens..... not manly drinkin material at all at all
You don't know what manly drinkin is!!! Come get you somethin that will get you 20 years if ya get caught.... The real deal made out of what ever grain or sawdust you find laying around. It would be too much for your sensitive stomach, but we will put some peach flavour in for you.
Ahve heard it all now, a scotsman bein lectured on drinkin by a ham shank..... awa an have a shirley temple or some such an leave me an the real men to the malt whisky of my homeland....

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