The big bhp also gives you mpg simple!
But with most things it's not just bolt on and go been out to plenty of people over the years who want big power but don't understand when I refuse to do it as the suspension is shot and the brakes are fubar too!
As a repairer it is my duty to ensure I don't make a uncontrollable monster!
A few years ago a customer contacted me to do a series2a using standard brakes and converting to auto and 4 .6 I refused as he said standard series brakes would be fine at 280+ bhp! He said it was tobe a 2 wheel drive toy some toy more like a coffin on wheels!
So has anyone fitted a hurricane cam? I'm finally getting round to getting this cam and after phoning up real steel they recommend the hurricane cam saying it'll increase torque. I did ask about a 3.9 cam but they don't do them?! So will I be ok with a hurricane, last thing I want to do is buy and fit one and be disappointed.
I believe my bro rebuilt an engine and I think he said he used a Hurricane Cam on a 3.5, it was not fit a cam and x happened it was totally rebuilt better than new. Much porting and modifying bits with all the right mixture or parts to make the recepie work and after sorting out the best needles for the SU's and many many rolling road tests in the 90 later it was up at 212BHP and had some serious guts low end which as he said isn't bad as they reckon the best output is 220bhp with twin SU's. We added up the cost yesterday for parts alone from Real steel and it was circs £1200 for parts let alone getting a decent engine to play with to begin with and the many hours of sorting and building it up.

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