Booked my tickets for the whole family - 5 Days in Newark.

Has anyone used the ferry between Hull and Amsterdam of Rotterdam? Which one is best?
Booked my tickets for the whole family - 5 Days in Newark.

Has anyone used the ferry between Hull and Amsterdam of Rotterdam? Which one is best?

Dont take that one, go for the hook of holland to harwich, quick crossing and easy drive the other side. PM me i'm gonna be booking it too, coming down from denmark. Its about 200-250 pounds return for a family of 4
been on the hull/rotterdam overnite and it wa sound.trouble is wi ad to hang about fa around 6 hours in rotterdam,and everywhere wa shut apart from the irish pub so we got ar sens settled in there,mind yu it was easter weekend!so it mite not always be so dull.
i used to do it when there was the two night rotterdam its just the one big ship(i still call it the new boat lol)but a couple of times ive taken the hull zeebrugge(late booking doing assen for WSB with the bike)and there isnt much in it really,either cost/sailing times
Have used all the ferries from Holland to England. If you're coming from Czechoslovakia then Hook of Holland makes most sense and there's 2 sailings a day. Crossing takes about 7hrs and is run by Stena line. The Amsterdam & Rotterdam ferries are both run by P&O and offer identical service. and are overnight sailings (Or where last time I used them)
You are correct Sean...the hook to harwich is 7 hours, much shorter than the hull sailings and as you wont need to book a cabin, much cheaper. The drive to newark would be a little longer but we're talking maybe 2 hours tops difference. Got to be the way to go....
You are correct Sean...the hook to harwich is 7 hours, much shorter than the hull sailings and as you wont need to book a cabin, much cheaper. The drive to newark would be a little longer but we're talking maybe 2 hours tops difference. Got to be the way to go....

Sean??? me fooking name int sean?? Fook I don't think I like yoo anymore..:mad: :mad: :mad:
Sean??? me fooking name int sean?? Fook I don't think I like yoo anymore..:mad: :mad: :mad:

Oops, sorry...had a chicken wing in my mouse hand and couldn't be bothered to scroll back...I am most humbly apologetic Redhand...dinner was nice though.
Lousy fooking snidey bastids. I have just had this email off LRO. That just proves what I have said about em been a bunch of tossers

LRO has been contacted recently by a number of people regarding the Billing Show in July. They had been given information stating there would be no show at Billing this year and so had purchased tickets, in good faith, for the Land Rover Max event at Newark on the same weekend.

As there will be a show at Billing this year, on the 17-19th July, which LRO will be supporting, we thought it would be an appropriate gesture to offer a significant reduction on the ticket costs at Billing for those people who bought tickets for Land Rover Max under the wrong impression that Billing was not happening.

Therefore, anyone who has purchased adult tickets for Land Rover Max, who would rather go to the LRO Billing Show can send in their Land Rover Max tickets to Live Promotions
(the organisers of Billing) and those tickets will be substituted for LRO Billing Show tickets at a cost of only £5 each. LRO Billing Show tickets are normally £12 in advance.

This offer will only be open to Land Rover Max ticketholders who send in their tickets to Live Promotions at the address below by 5pm on Monday March 9th.

Shows how desperate they are to get people to go to Billing. I wouldn't be surprised if they start doing 2 for 1 offers before long.
Heard that there were problems at Billing in 2008 so non starter for me. Newark will be my choice of that particluar weekend. Saying that you should not miss Eastnor as this is in great surroundings close to the Malvern Hills and in a glorious part of the West Midlands.
Billing has been on a downward spiral for years now. Ive been going to the Vauxhall show there for the last 4 or 5 years and every year its been worse than the last, untill 2007 when Billing waited untill 2 DAYS before the biggest Vauxhall show of the year to confirm it was going ahead!!

it's a massive flood plain so muddy/wet/flooded these days.
security is pathetic, you CANT drive round the site once you arrive but you CAN go ****ed and wreck peoples cars and steal as and when it suits you.
No way will you get me back to Billing. Whilst LRO did a pretty good job with their show at Peterborough last year, I think they have made a BIG error in taking it to Billing this year.

I went to the LRM show at Billing last year and LRM and their organisation of the show could not be faulted. Superb show, great off-road course and marshalling of the highest standard. The main arena entertainment and trade stands and jumble were also all very good.

The problem was the venue. Billing is a **** hole and a thieves paradise.

Showers were packed for about 3 hours every morning and very dirty. Toilets and washing up areas were also poor. Far too many people for the facilities to cope with.

There was also a lot of drunken and anti-social behaviour right into the small hours and a lot of thieving and damage to tents and camper's property. Apparently, there are gangs of local kids who target the showground every time there is a show on. Three campers around me had stuff nicked or vandalised. One guy even had 2 kids mountain bikes taken off the back of his camper van whilst he was asleep in it overnight!

The thieves don't even bother with unzipping a tent, they just cut a hole in the back and step inside. I guess I was lucky - I locked all my valuables in the Disco all day and had nothing taken from my tent.

Security on-site is non-existent other than some fat guys riding round in white vans far too fast for a site where there are lots of kids. They could not spot trouble makers if they ran them over.

I have had a look at the Newark showground whilst I was up there on business recently and it looks as if it is a much better venue. The combination of LRM's organisation and a better venue - that's where I will be going in July.
No way will you get me back to Billing. Whilst LRO did a pretty good job with their show at Peterborough last year, I think they have made a BIG error in taking it to Billing this year.

I went to the LRM show at Billing last year and LRM and their organisation of the show could not be faulted. Superb show, great off-road course and marshalling of the highest standard. The main arena entertainment and trade stands and jumble were also all very good.

The problem was the venue. Billing is a mess and a thieves paradise.

Showers were packed for about 3 hours every morning and very dirty. Toilets and washing up areas were also poor. Far too many people for the facilities to cope with.

There was also a lot of drunken and anti-social behaviour right into the small hours and a lot of thieving and damage to tents and camper's property. Apparently, there are gangs of local kids who target the showground every time there is a show on. Three campers around me had stuff nicked or vandalised. One guy even had 2 kids mountain bikes taken off the back of his camper van whilst he was asleep in it overnight!

The thieves don't even bother with unzipping a tent, they just cut a hole in the back and step inside. I guess I was lucky - I locked all my valuables in the Disco all day and had nothing taken from my tent.

Security on-site is non-existent other than some fat guys riding round in white vans far too fast for a site where there are lots of kids. They could not spot trouble makers if they ran them over.

I have had a look at the Newark showground whilst I was up there on business recently and it looks as if it is a much better venue. The combination of LRM's organisation and a better venue - that's where I will be going in July.[/quote]

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