Which is the best landrover ever

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choppa why have you got a sticker on your back quarter panel advertising the fact that your oem tranny brake is ****? :p

its so i dont have to tell ya .... i'm quite shy i am and i find it diftiticult beeing onist with stuff what needs to be said out in the hopen .
i'm not the open type of bloke ya see and crap worra say on ere shud be takened with a punch of salt .
i'm hackshulyy quite proud of ya fer spottin me signal and havin the wisdom of an old git person and puttin me in a puzishun pon wiich i have to hopen me gob and spout fourf me handbrake problums . fer a yoof wot shud be out smashin windies yer quite bright ,and wunce again i'm proud of ya ..:D

keep up da gudd wirk flump coz ya know i luvs ya realy ...:D
Heffs, you are the antithesis of "ALL THE GEAR, NFI" in that you have none of the gear but full idea!:D

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