
New Member
Hi, I am new to the forum. I have an 02 TD4 freelander that has been fantastic since I had it. Recently I have heard a noise like an electric motor that is continous from the rear of the car and the performance has dropped off, after a good run it would not start again untill it had cooled off. It now runs with very poor performance. I am told that it could be the fuel pump in the tank but I have taken this out an there does not seem to be any motor that would make this noise just the sender unit and a few pipes etc and a small square filter at the bottom. Could anyone advise where else there is a pump, how is the fuel lifted to the large unit in the tank. Any suggestions would be appreciaited as to spend £280 on a new unit that may not be faulty is not on. Many thanks Pezman :D
have you done a search on the forum for fuel pumps, some of the posts have photos attached too:)
sarcastic buggers - why cant you just answer a sensible question?:mad:

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sarcastic buggers - why cant you just answer a sensible question?:mad:

Please note:
As this is a Land Rover forum members are expected to keep the majority of their posts about Land Rovers or subjects closely associated with them, their use, repair or modification. Some off topic posts are acceptable but in this case the post title should begin with the letters 'OT' as an indication that they are not Land Rover related. Land Rover related threads sometimes wander off topic but they are generally still regarded as being on topic.

Members are requested and expected to use the PM (private message) facility to conduct personal conversations or chats, which by their nature are usually of little interest to others.

well i'm insulted ..... i feel abused ..... ;)

well ok i feel i should opolojize fer me inhadiquerceys as a forum member ... i feel i should be shot in the leg forthwith and be sent too the norty corner ....

am i fergiven then ???:(
OOOOOOOOOOHHHHHH who pushed your buttons dis morning?????

It's a gaylander FFS let him squirm :)
well i'm insulted ..... i feel abused ..... ;)

well ok i feel i should opolojize fer me inhadiquerceys as a forum member ... i feel i should be shot in the leg forthwith and be sent too the norty corner ....

am i fergiven then ???:(

Like fook. Yu has trangressed beyond the point ov fegivingness.

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