To be fair and honest Keith most of Colins posts on here were, buy my stuff and sort your problem, rather than very much do this, or that, to sort your problem. Most of them were not very well disguised adverts to be honest. But i agree he is a clever bloke that sometimes comes over the wrong way.:)

He almost always comes over the wrong way Tony, I seem to get on with him quite well, maybe we are two of a kind, not that I'm so clever, just not diplomatic especially when I was younger.:) He has posted some very useful stuff on occasion, not just on this site.
ok - dont have a Rangie - was just interested why he didnt mention them. wondered if there was a reason?
He almost always comes over the wrong way Tony, I seem to get on with him quite well, maybe we are two of a kind, not that I'm so clever, just not diplomatic especially when I was younger.:) He has posted some very useful stuff on occasion, not just on this site.

Yeah i agree. We can all come across as arrogant at times i suppose. I got my Nanocom before they were offically released to help me with a problem. Colin was very helpful letting me have one early. I cannot fault the BBS service at all. I suppose there is nothing wrong with blowing your own trumpet as long as you can play it. :):)
He's actually a very clever bloke, just a bit too full of himself at times:rolleyes:

Shame he was pushed off this site as he has more knowledge of the P38 and L322 than most.:mad:

He is a greedy self serving egotistical spammer-the only reason he left was because his spam sales and need for constant praise didn't happen.
He got convicted of car clocking.

Bell auto appeared spamming BBS products and promises of supporting and taking part on forum-low and behold his spam didn't get the volume results he had hoped for=so he buggered off as well after promising to actively take part on forum
Agree with Datatek I have the Nanocom Evo 2 and for us non mecs its a god send!
thats if your a believer!
Its atop bit of kit and not locked to chassis number like other BBS equipment. Only restriction is engine type.
Hi there, new to this particular forum but not to Land Rover products. Just bought a 1999 P38 DSE and want to put my name down for the discount.

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