
I try to do as much as possible jobs at my 2002 Discovery 2 td5 myself. Now come to a point I need a diagnostic tool. As far as I know there are the Lynx, Nanocom and the Hawkeye. For most common jobs all will do I think. Just when it comes to ACE issues i read some different stories.

I need a system what can do the callibration of the Accelerometers, bleed the system and do the ACE diagnostics.

Who has experience and know what to buy best?

Sorry for my not so good Englisch, do my best... :)
Having done some research, I recently purchased a Nanocom Evo. I ruled out the Lynx fairly quickly due to some bad reviews I read. I was torn between the fact that Hawkeye covered all LR models and Nanocom for my Disco TD5 only. The fact that Nanocom covers SLS height calibration and Hawkeye doesn't swung it for me, as I have had a few issues with this in the past. If Hawkeye had this, I think I would have chosen that. Time will tell on the Nanocom, as I all I have used it for so far is deleting 3 Amigo fault.
Thanks. I'd read same about the Lynx system. Choice now is Hawkeye or Nanocom. Just not sure if the Nanocom will cover the ACE faults.

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