scarborough north yorksshire, i travel to yarm stockton and pudsey/leeds often ,is anyone around with this software would give a few bob for its use ?
update i got the code read it came up as air supply fault? the pump seems to run on and off all the time but suspension is still stuck in standard height mode,would this indicate pump as its running always but it will not do anything does seem really loud to?
update i got the code read it came up as air supply fault? the pump seems to run on and off all the time but suspension is still stuck in standard height mode,would this indicate pump as its running always but it will not do anything does seem really loud to?

Could be several things. First piston seal could be knackered. Check pump is making air. Check the mounting rubbers have not failed (causes rattle). If they are fine rear bearing reatainer may have broken up causing armature to wobble about like a whippets dick. This may effect the thermal cut out. This would seem not to be a three month pump.
its making really loud pumping sound,doesnt seem to be producing air as wont move from standard height and the pump itself is very very hot to the point you cant really touch it,fault code was reset and it hasnt come back but it still wont move , ive ordered new rear bags as there needing done i think im just going to replace the pump for the dunlop one from island 4x4 for 159.99 then i know its right what do you guys think was told it wasnt a genuine pump so is it worth it
its making really loud pumping sound,doesnt seem to be producing air as wont move from standard height and the pump itself is very very hot to the point you cant really touch it,fault code was reset and it hasnt come back but it still wont move , ive ordered new rear bags as there needing done i think im just going to replace the pump for the dunlop one from island 4x4 for 159.99 then i know its right what do you guys think was told it wasnt a genuine pump so is it worth it

Sorry to be so blunt and i know you got your car at a good price. But if you don't know what your doing take it to someone who does. It will cost you, but better than trying to do something you really don't know about and screwing it up. WTF is a loud pumping noise? Get the pump from Island the one you have sounds totally knackered. You could strip it and take a look, but if you don't know what your about with these vehicles, trying to do it yourself you will soon have a VERY expensive Range Rover and not the bargain you thought you bought.
sounds good,ive ordered a pump to ill do it all at the same time, im pretty much confident to rebuild anything tbh , but range rover/ land rovers set ups are new to me lol,ive ordered the diagnostics cable to use with the rsw software as was recomended it for future use as ill probably need it lol

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