
Well-Known Member
Hi all

I'm based in Tyne and Wear and currently own the financial black hole otherwise known as a 1989 '90. Registered with the forum a few months ago whilst in the throes of an engine conversion but lost the will to live during that so didn't get posting ;)
I've had two Series IIIs in the past, both 109s, loved 'em to bits and despite their interesting little quirks they were great vehicles that I had a lot of fun with, used for my gardening work for some time and generally tooled around in. Surprising as it may sound they rarely gave me problems, when they did they were a straightforward fix. I've probably spent more money on the '90 since owning it than on both Series combined :(
I've already found a few threads here which have been extremely helpful (thanks for these). Doubt I'll be able to return the favour in terms of technical expertise but happy to muck in when I can.
Shortly off out to investigate the latest clattering after changing gear (all gears bar 4th), may post further on this after investigation as I know intros aren't the place for q and a.

So, any enthusiasts (sometimes known as poor sods like myself) in the Tyne and Wear area feel free to drop a pm. Hope to meet up with folks at shows or auto jumbles sometime, just been at Keilder Classic Vehicle Show and forest drive at the weekend. :)

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Ahah! A fellow 2000AD fan. Sad git that I am, I'm a 2000AD anorak as well as LR owner :D

Thanks for the welcomes.
Thanks for the welcomes and the tip. Rattle has not reoccurred, did the usual checks (posted in done to your Landy today) and I can now confirm with confidence that the problem was "unidentified rattle." All well. :D
Ive had all kinds or ratles, shudders, clunks and bangs in 9 months I have owned my 97 disco, dever found the issues, I think one of my slap/"tink" noises is worn cv joints and probably half shaft splines,ahh well if/when it goes I will just slap her in diff lock and keep trucking until I get chance to fix
Welcome Liz, I had an '89 90 and 110 - loved the 90, not so much the 110. The title of your post was serious deJaVoooooo....

We had a family game called "spot the new rattle" - the exhaust and associated gubbins were usually a good supply source. My solution was lots of sound deadening, and a loud sound system :)
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