i only been on this site for afew days and all you get on it is the **** taken out of you so not happy

No one's taking the **** we're been serious. I visited your site and couldn't see what it was you were charging £25 for. there's no mention of a pay and play site. and if you are charging people £25 to follow you round a greenlane then you're the one taking the ****.
sorry i ment to say when we do stuff we put on the web site. we go green laning but we never charge but all we do on the pay and play is try to keep it as cheap as poss as most sight just do it for the money
most of the time we put winch markers and 3or 4 trial sect out
so that all can have a go at then i think we make a £5 per truck to cover the little costs as you now canes and markers are not cheap
so i am sorry if i came over like i was just looking to make some thing out of going on this site but that not me all i like to see is people haveing fun for as cheap as poss and at the moment there is nothing on only tommy farm when i get dates but that is only to get people to getter the cach side as nothing to do with us just looking to have buzz in feb thanks baggy
I was a member of NWLRC fer 2 years and apart from a few booklets they never organised a single greenlaning outing. quite a few RTV & CTV trials but that was it. So if yer not into competing in trials compo's then I would save yer money and don't bother joining. Do what I did ask on this and other forums if anyone was going greenlaning and meet up with them, for a great day out. Mud-Club and LRUK are good forums for meeting up for days out.

Pretty well sums them up, but cannot understand like others in North Wales why they don't go laning and pay-day sites more instead of just trials. After all on thier doorstep they have some of the best lanes left open in the whole of Britain. Cannnot be that diffecult to organise a few greenlane trips, not as if you need to find a site or anything, nor does the cost come into it.

Prehaps they're is no will or commitment to organise them, find it odd though with what they claim to have ie 200 odd members, and non of them go out on organised trips. But your right both mud and lruk members went out this last weekend 22-23th
ffs we were out on a 2 dayer at the beggining of the month. we only go out in limited numbers but by **** we have a good time
Well, well, well, don't know whats on in here, but i'm off to north wales tomorrow for a bit of green laning. Some mates know the way so i'm just following :)
Will post the route and what its like if i get back :p
The ALRC's, i.e. the NWLRC are more trials etc based, but usually anyone can compete for a laugh, or just come and marshal and then drive the courses anyway. I think they dnt green lane because with a club that big they would upset lots of people, especially anti 4x4 eco freaks, as im sure you can imagine...
The ALRC's, i.e. the NWLRC are more trials etc based, but usually anyone can compete for a laugh, or just come and marshal and then drive the courses anyway. I think they dnt green lane because with a club that big they would upset lots of people, especially anti 4x4 eco freaks, as im sure you can imagine...

Bit odd that, some of the best, longest, quietest, legal greenlanes in the country, on there doorstep and they don't go laning ?

Upset lots of people, they's hardly anyone on the lanes, we often meet nobody, its dead.

As for trials "compete for a laugh", they I think take it quite seriously, and as for "marshals" driving the course I though only competors could do that for insurance purposes and after a "vechicle check", payment of dosh, plus joining fee etc etc.

As for marshals i've been told, but yet to clairfly one needs a licence now for public liabilty insurance another ~£20 pa fee just to "voluteer".

Noticed you other post check the welsh section lruk some pay-day site corwen this weekend.
Hmm, i didn't know about the fee to marshal, until i moved up here i was in the SROC, the southern rover club, and they were alwasy after marshals. Also, having done a bit of laning down south, the people round there get soooo arsey with you, we had one lady actually squelch her way through the mud to come and tell us that we were theiving her branches (from further up ther green lane) and that she had taken my number plate down, and was going to report us to the police for trespass, damage to property, infact anything she could think of, even though we were definitely on a legal byway. It aint the only instance where i've met people down lanes who have got annoyed either. Perhaps it happens more down south, who knows. :) I know that a lot of the people at my school, mainly the eco freaks, really were not happy when i drove my landy into school, you should have heard the fuss that it made... I thought it was great fun personally!
I didn't know about the licence to "marshel" until we were asked by a local motor club to help out on a voluteer basis with possible recoverys.

When we turned up on the moors at midnight some busy body know it all mini hilter then started we needed this and that cert. and it came out some clubs (to protect them from claims) now require it.

But it back fired on them, we been pi****** off then went for a night greenlane run, only to find ourselves in the middle of a timed "car rally" cause been short of marshels had'nt sealed off all the row access to temporary road closures, not only us couple of local farmers needing access to there own farms got mixed up.

As for laning, well went south once thats south of Watford gap, and yea what aggro, loads of 4 legged dog meat animals with posh nob nasty bitches on top ranting and raving about we had no right to be there. Nimbies who spend all day ranting about how we are destroying there peace and quiet, should'nt buy a property on a road then.

Up here is queiter, most of the time never meet anyone, winter wet & cold like now is the best, yea some local "hotpsots" but list them on one hand, hardy any horses, bikes, and even walkers.

You might find other landy club event practices different, never known Marshels to be allowed to drive the course, even the competiors get kicked off for hitting them damm sticks, theres no freedom like some pay sites, all tightly controlled.

As for licence for Marshels, i emailed someone over xmas, but no one got back to me:(
It's up round Betws Garmon in Gwynedd I believe and IRC it's an old slate quarry.
Where'sat? And are they green lanes, or a site? :) do tell all please

About 10 minutes south of Caernarfon on the outskirts of fron nr Rhosgadfan...if anyone is interested in going up for a drive let me know, I am local and will gladly show some local enthusiasts where it is..:D

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