lookin good mate, ive got all yer bits ere ready, ill sort em into a box and post em this weekend ;)
To drag this fred somewhat back on topic... (sorry guys)
You might be better off joining your local Land Rover club if you want to get an interest in organised offroad events, trials and playdays. Just so happens you'd want the same club as me, North Wales Land Rover Club
Hope that wasn't referring to me. If so, how you can think 1 genuine post trying to help somebody out is spam when four pages of yella & co drivelling like uneducated farmers isn't is beyond me. :confused:
In that case then yes. It was very gay. :) While I'm here I may as well ask why there's a trend of speaking like an oohar tratter drivin' summer-set 'illbilly?
I was a member of NWLRC fer 2 years and apart from a few booklets they never organised a single greenlaning outing. quite a few RTV & CTV trials but that was it. So if yer not into competing in trials compo's then I would save yer money and don't bother joining. Do what I did ask on this and other forums if anyone was going greenlaning and meet up with them, for a great day out. Mud-Club and LRUK are good forums for meeting up for days out.
a trend of speaking like an oohar tratter drivin' summer-set 'illbilly?
There baint be thur or appen thur be oi dunt reetly nooo. An I int gannin to no gay parties.
i spose that explains why you have bin sat on yer computer this afternoon and we have bin out lanin all over denbighshire then ghostie
Oooooooooo! We had a fab days lanein' in North Wales!!! Mondo got stuck 2 metres into the first lane, Stig **** out and then Yella took Stig square up the wrong'un after a 5ft run up!! Stig had to stay there and take it as he was pressed up agenst a JCB... Yella then had to take it up the arse from Mondo and a good fun day was had by all. I drove Stigs disco and he taught me 'rally driving' stuff but teld me not to rev the bollix out o his 300tdi.:D
aye a good day in all, sorry abot tekkin yer up the wrong un stig, ope yer aint too raw, shame yer **** out on the fust lane. at least hybrid walked the fooker, mind you if she had got sponsors she would have raised enough fer an ospital bed

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