Dear xeon,
I just bought (April 2010) a 88" diesel SIII for £450 and had to travel from one end of the U.K. to the other and back again to pick it up.
For my money I got what I paid for:
A project that I have spent a G on it just buying the new chassis plus over the next two months I will probably going to spend close to another G on it.
I have an uncle with a home garage so I can do the work myself to get it through the MOT and will then have a great SIII and I will know what has been done to it
If you don't want to spend the money and have the time then a cheap SIII is the way forward, But they have a serious weakness of rusting out at the top of the bulk head (due to the windscreen hinges) and getting a replacement at a good price is getting harder by the day :-( (There are many option around this but all cost time and money).
So I if you want a cheap SIII, when you go to look at it get under it with a torch and a flat head and inspect the chassis (really inspect) and then take your torch and look at the front vents and top of the bulk head for rust and weakness.
All this said I really hope that you find what you really really want and a price you can afford
Disclaimer: The above reply to your posting is my personal view and should in no way be use as a reason not to buy an old SIII, it is just a personal experience of the SIII I bought, I am rebuilding and think is really really ACE