Been down to New Milton to collect a bale sledge. 'Twas a bit wide, so thought an orange beacon might be a good idea - The snork is the only thing that the mag mount will stick to. Pesky aluminium roof panel :rolleyes:
That's an impressive trailer you've got there.
Drove over to see my dad and give him fathers day card, only 3 miles away would of been quicker cycling it as caught every red light there and back plus abnormal amount of snoozers out taking naps inbetween feckin light changes and then pulling away half way through th green on time...grrr...anyways driving the landy is always good :)
Just to the shops, so no pictures today. Tesco car park isn't very exciting.
We've been out in the Land Rover today and we had a look at Rievaulx Abbey.

The monks even had their own blast furnace. If Henry VIII hadn't shut them down we could have had the industrial revolution 200 years earlier and the oldest Land Rovers would be about 250 years old by now.

We saw the cotton grass blooming on the Yorkshire moors

Saw Fountains Abbey - there's been a lot of monastic remains today

And made some new friends:
Trip to Crediton to pick up a lil 6x3 trailer. turns out the tractor wheels on it have a compatible stud size so will stick some landy rims on it make it look better.:D

out of interest, on the way i saw a defender by the roadside with hazards on at cowley bridge. so thought i should turn round and see if i could help. but as i rounded the bend, three well kitted-out defenders and a lifted and winch-kitted tranny-type van flew over the rise like a 70s rescue squad movie. so i thought i'd leave em to it. on the return journey i saw them returning and no sign of the stricken defender save a patch of mud/sand where it was.

was it a case of LR international rescue?
and if anyone here was involved ...I salute you, you're all heroes!
For fun? Or to assist festival patrons whose cars have broken down?

I'm doing breakdowns there.


Here's camp Ratty until probably Tuesday or weds night.

From here ..

When we arrived on Friday, a bit drizzly, but food and beer soon revived us ..

The other view up to Pen-y-ghent

.. to home today, just in time to watch Silverstone Grand Prix .. Just had a great weekend away, camping and laning .. ;)
Is that the Pen Y Ghent near Settle? Not a million miles away from where I was yesterday. The highland cattle I posted above were near Kettlewell, in the next valley.
A mate invited me to go mess around in his woodland - 200 acres about 10 mins from my house. He was in a A reg series with the screen down and roof off and I was in my B reg 90 - amazing what one year did to LR!! The guys dad came along in his new 110 Puma so we had a bit of everything. Great day getting stuck and then when we got bored we set up some clays and had a pop at killing them.
Been to Norwich, and had a look at the cathedral. Here's a nice bit of 1480s vaulting, but the lower parts of the building are Norman

Then on to Caister on the coast to eat our picnic by the sea. Well known for one of the finest collections of rusty tractors in Europe

Then we trundled down the coast toward Ipswich and had a look at a few seaside towns like Great Yarmouth, Lowestoft and Southwold. Then back to the midlands up the A14. Altogether about 350 miles. Who says Land Rovers aren't comfortable for long trips?

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