
Active Member
I am looking at speaker locations, don't want to cut into the dash to put them at my knee (cramped enough) and someone has already cut into the front portion of the head lining, which I can hide when I recover it.
Where / what speakers do you use?
Where are your speakers?
In a different vehicle.... :D

Defenders aren't really much of a place for music. If you must, then you could fit some in the headlining. Or put speaker boxes in the back. Maybe even behind the front seats if creative.
I built a 'shelf' to fit mine in, I did use some rather large speakers though.. If I did it again I would use a set of 6x9s on a smaller shelf. Wedged against the interior trim and the headlining. Though should be easy enough to fit a similar thing to other Defender types.

Mine are between the seats on the front side of the bulkhead if that makes sense (the previous owner put them there).
I always wondered if those slots where for speakers. They are almost perfect 6x9 size... Opted against fitting mine there as I knew they would get damaged some how.
I've also got a shelf on the roof / side panel join, but with the speakers facing forward. The other pair will be mounted on the dash facing upwards so only a couple of inches thick.
I've got 6x9's in custom boxes mounted on/in the rear tub behind the front seats and an amp for them behind the middle seat. System thumps it out and is perfectly audible at all speeds, even on the motorway with the Insa Turbo Special Tracks howling away!!
Fairly standard on mine- two in the lower dashboard, two more in speaker panels in the rear corners of the tub. The rear pair make quite a bit of difference. Though being only 10cm speakers the bass isn't exactly brilliant. Thinking of fitting a couple of larger speakers in between the bulkhead and the doors to help things along. :)
I made a parcel shelf and have an angled back to it with the speakers set into this behind the driver and passengers heads.

I'll post some photos later
I have 2 sony house hifi speakers in the load area fastened down, connected to a 500w car amp, then the usual knee speakers in the dash.

For a Land Rover it sounds pretty good.

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