New Member
Hi folks here is my question and you advice would be a great help. When i bought my landy 110-200tdi at112.000 km first thing i did changed the T Belt now my joy has 190.000 km under its belt do you think its time for another go?.What is the oficial factory milage/km???
If you think about it, do it!

Imagine what you will feel like in 5k km more and it breaks!

If the belt has done 70,000 it has done its work. Retire it before it dies.

What happens when it pops on a 200 then.? do the pistons hit the valves or can you get away with it like on the old Pinto.
What happens when it pops on a 200 then.? do the pistons hit the valves or can you get away with it like on the old Pinto.

The valves and pistons WILL collide if the belt breaks.
There is no doubt about it.

If you are lucky you might only buckle five or six pushrods.
If so, fit EIGHT so they are all new at the same time.

If you are not so lucky you may break rockers or bend valves.

Best do the belt in good time.

The valves and pistons WILL collide if the belt breaks.
There is no doubt about it.

If you are lucky you might only buckle five or six pushrods.
If so, fit EIGHT so they are all new at the same time.

If you are not so lucky you may break rockers or bend valves.

Best do the belt in good time.

I'm going to order a kit this weekend, just hope it aint too expensive.:)
I'm going to order a kit this weekend, just hope it aint too expensive.:)

Depends what you mean by a KIT, and who it comes from.

This should not cost more than £30 at most, but if a new tensioner pulley is involved it might be a bitty more.

Before you start, make sure you understand EXACTLY how to do this, and that you have a READING dial torque wrench of the correct value. It is absolutely essential that the tensioner is torqued up and HELD TORQUED while the lock-nut is tightened down. If you happen to have three hands that's a big help on this job!

Depends what you mean by a KIT, and who it comes from.

This should not cost more than £30 at most, but if a new tensioner pulley is involved it might be a bitty more.

Before you start, make sure you understand EXACTLY how to do this, and that you have a READING dial torque wrench of the correct value. It is absolutely essential that the tensioner is torqued up and HELD TORQUED while the lock-nut is tightened down. If you happen to have three hands that's a big help on this job!

Believe one can get it cheaper than I can:D

Just had a read of how to do it and it dont look as easy as some cause of the leanin over the rad an stuff to get at it, unless your eight feet tall that is:)
Might do it over christmas and use the 110 with no heater, makes sense....not:rolleyes:
Believe one can get it cheaper than I can:D

Just had a read of how to do it and it dont look as easy as some cause of the leanin over the rad an stuff to get at it, unless your eight feet tall that is:)
Might do it over christmas and use the 110 with no heater, makes sense....not:rolleyes:

If I had known about your "prices" I could have saved myself about £500 at Paddocks this week!

As for doing the timing belt in yours, is it not sensible to remove the grille and radiator so that you can get a straight run at the work area?

What do the LZ Gurus say?

Thaks guys CharlesY you advice is well recived . I worked it out as follows 190.000-112.000=78.000km div by 1.6=48.750 miles . Errrm i think Ill change it any way before you all get on to me for dragin on the subject and making asong and dance of it. Ill have something to do over Christmas as it don't get to cold down here in southernGreece this time of year.PS just heard on the news 'its snowing hard back home .So its Landy wheather then? Take care.
Thaks guys CharlesY you advice is well recived . I worked it out as follows 190.000-112.000=78.000km div by 1.6=48.750 miles . Errrm i think Ill change it any way before you all get on to me for dragin on the subject and making asong and dance of it. Ill have something to do over Christmas as it don't get to cold down here in southernGreece this time of year.PS just heard on the news 'its snowing hard back home .So its Landy wheather then? Take care.

Well let me tell you it's COLD here right now at minus five, dropping fast, and a few inches of snow over all.

If it is under 50k miles there's no real rush. You can afford to get the right tools and kit.

Enjoy Greece's sunshine!


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