
Dyed-in-the-wool 100% RR Junkie
Full Member
On hols to the IoW and decided to find some Greenlanes/byways...

Did one yesterday, and besides a few scratches all was well, so we drove it 4 times!!!

Today we found another, and I will upload a vid later, but at the end of the trail was a gate...that melicously lept out towards the car with great intent to wound, and left a 3" gouge and dent in the drivers door...

Ho hum, thats laning for you!


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Ant you bloody plonker. How many times do you need telling Range Rovers are only allowed on mildly damp grass for picnic purposes. And driven on roads at least 25 feet wide where crowds can gather to watch you go past. Please accept this as a critical retort. :D:D
Will take your critiques on board :D:D:D

The exit to the gate was a sharp right hand turn and I made the turn a little too early and caught the gate post that was hidden in the brambles.

The lane hadn't been driven for years and was heavily overgrown...

When I get back at the weekend, I'll upload the video of the lanes for you all to see.


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Ooops sorry Ant, I forgot you don't drink. Really sorry to see you have damaged your pride and joy:(
Ooops sorry Ant, I forgot you don't drink. Really sorry to see you have damaged your pride and joy:(

Dont mind the damage, what i do mind is the fact it was my mistake...if it had been damaged from driving the lane through brambles or branches, fair enough...but it was my own fault I turned through the gate too soon...but thats Laning I guess...

Have to say, the L322 on new road tyres has coped with lanes very well, even after a night time deluge...

And you are quite right, I don't drink but maybe I should, it might make me miss gate posts!:D
Ant you bloody plonker. How many times do you need telling Range Rovers are only allowed on mildly damp grass for picnic purposes. And driven on roads at least 25 feet wide where crowds can gather to watch you go past. Please accept this as a critical retort. :D:D

I recently went on a winch training course somewhere in Hampshire. Did a bit in the classroom then off we went into the woods for practical. I had no idea we had to use the off road course to get to the training area. But My P38 Vogue pimp mobile just dealt with all the slopes, ruts, bumps no problem. It must have ****ed some off seeing me with the sunroof open and music playing (no not Celine Deon!), merrily plodding along. And them with their off road prepared Disco's, Isusu's and Pajero thingies. One even had a fully prepared G4 Range Rover!!

So there Wammers, stick that in yer pipe!



Sorry to hear of your damage.

Look forward to the vid.
Shame the Venture cam can't be linked to a recorder.
Blimey, saint don't claim on the insurance its a l322

Its be a. Write-off
No but seriously it could if been worse think of it a a battle scar like a defender;)
I recently went on a winch training course somewhere in Hampshire. Did a bit in the classroom then off we went into the woods for practical. I had no idea we had to use the off road course to get to the training area. But My P38 Vogue pimp mobile just dealt with all the slopes, ruts, bumps no problem. It must have ****ed some off seeing me with the sunroof open and music playing (no not Celine Deon!), merrily plodding along. And them with their off road prepared Disco's, Isusu's and Pajero thingies. One even had a fully prepared G4 Range Rover!!

So there Wammers, stick that in yer pipe!



It was a jocular comment not meant to be taken literally. :););)
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You should do the same on the otherside then tell people it is a limited super special edition model. They are styling features. ;D
Also I think that second photo is fake, or is the AA truck behind the camera?
Going laning on your own.....tsk...:rolleyes:

Has LZIR got coverage on IOW??

I know slap wrists for me, but they were gentle and dry tracks and apart from the Gatepost incident, they were event free. I am on hols with my mother and father, plus my sister and her boyfriend...all were aware of the lanes I was driving....but as you say, it is always best to lane with company just in case.

I will be uploading vids tomorrow with luck of the few lanes we have done the last few days.

And Boomer you are quite right, never lane alone if you are in any doubt.
Will take your critiques on board :D:D:D

The exit to the gate was a sharp right hand turn and I made the turn a little too early and caught the gate post that was hidden in the brambles.

The lane hadn't been driven for years and was heavily overgrown...

When I get back at the weekend, I'll upload the video of the lanes for you all to see.

heres a video of my green lanes I got towed the other way
small car at river ford in Mongolia - YouTube

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