
Active Member
Pulling my hair out now! :mad:

MPS and Paddock are both having issues with stock due to supplier change-over, there's nothing on fleabay and now I'm struggling to find this part (apparently YRM don't have the tools to make it either).

Any suggestions where I might be able to find one (5 door RH)?
When I did mine, I cut back to metal and fabricated pieces to 'join the dots' which a mate welded in for me. Its a bit Heath Robinson, but it worked. BTW, how is good old Utcheter? Been a long time since I was there.
Was hoping to avoid a patchwork quilt but looking like that's the way forward. Nobody can give me a stock ETA :(

Utch hasn't changed, don't think it ever will. Still a 1 horse town, although the neighbours now have a donkey, which is fun!

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