Mine are called "Scrap Iron".....well thas what the bloke shouts when he drives past in his pickup.
Good job it din't start BAS

Yeah coz Basil just wouldn't suit my Landy :D

She is Pig:5bpiggy: because she grunts like one and is one to drive:D:D and when we (eventually) get to where we are going i usually say 'that'll do Pig' (from the Babe films:eek: )
My old series 3 had LLU in the reg so that was LuLU.
And my old rangy had SFA so that was Sweet Feck All
the Disco is Betsy, was betty boo but my son couldnt pronounce it at the time!
the 110 is Bullet..cos thats all thats good for it at the mo!
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