
New Member
Just reading Lenny the Landy's introduction thread and wondered who else has named theirs and why you chose that name?

Mine is called Old Blue - not my name, it came with it and it's blue!

My truck was called Darlene - had to have an American name for her. :)
I'm with Spyderman and Mseries3, lots of different names, mostly applying to the situation!

When it's broke it's swearing, when it gets me through a gnarly section it's probably also swearing, but in a much nicer tone of voice .. ;)
all sorts but a girl engraved a name in the steering wheel when it, with her name and number, i was a tad ****ed but well things change and decided thats the name of the vehicle lol,
D-90 truck cab > Pumpkin.

Its green and the wife says it looks like a Pumpkin.
well i'm pretty sure if i write it on here it'll get astrix'd out
"The Heap" or useless pile of ****, or good girl. (when it gets me thru those arse clenching, OH ****!! moments)
mines called stan cos of its numberplate :)

though it gets called worse when trying to park or go up hills or go fast...
Mines Lenny as I just did "of mice and men" at school and the 90 reminds me of lenny who is big and strong yet a bit backwards.

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