
New Member
I was driving along last night, and my mate decided to stick his upper body out of the window, "for a bit of fresh air", so I sharply tapped the brakes 3 or 4 times, just messing about (before anybody tells me not to drive like a muppet..I was the only car driving along an A road at night).

The first couple of times I pushed the pedal it was fine, but then two times in a row, the pedal felt rock solid, as if the engine wasn't running and I was braking, although they still slowed the vehicle. Then after that it went back to normal and the pedal felt fine.

Is this a cause for concern? The only thing I can think of is the servo is playing up?
would agree with the servo playing up. so don't do that again ha ha. seriously it maybe on its way out just beware.
Hi may be worth checking your brake arm pivot I've heard that if it's not returning fully it doesn't allow pressure in the system to release so it rachets up building up pressure. Perhaps the few quick taps did not allow presure to release quickly enough.Could be a dry pivot point a dicky spring etc.

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