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Ok so if it's SORN it can have no insurance
If it's not SORN it must be insured?
So that just means if you take it off the road you need to cash the tax in if it's not insured

Doesn't seem too bad TBH, bit of a pain if you're selling an old car so want to leave the tax on but not insured, might stop more nuggets driving without insurance

can you show us proof of this mate? coz everywhere I look it only seems to apply to taxed vehicles. It would be a nightmare if you owned a motor museum :p

i read it online mate,i might have misread it,if i have then apologies but i'm sure thats what it said.:(;)
Take the wheels, engine, gearbox out and I bet a copper will still knock on your front door and fine you because you don't have insurance on it...
Take the wheels, engine, gearbox out and I bet a copper will still knock on your front door and fine you because you don't have insurance on it...


Police too busy hiding in bushes with speed'll get a letter thru the door.
Then you insure the bloody car and they will still turn up or post a letter saying 'your insurance is not valid because you have no road tax' .....
Just means uninsured drivers will drive round in cars that arn't in their name. Can't see it making alot of difference apart from making it difficult to for honest people trying to sell there old taxed cars.
Yea just read it online too

From what i've read I can still have cars that are on SORN with no insurance as per many of us on here have "fixer uppers" for example.

That would be a right pain for others who have the odd chassis laying around etc having to insure the chunk of metal.

Although I did also hear on the radio about, well if there was an electrical fire and the car had no insurance, then you or "I" would be responsible.

Just the same if it was to roll down a hill, but why would it roll down a hill as the vehicle would be SORN'd so intal would be off the ruddy hill in the first place ... hence "off the road, on said garge or driveway anything NOT on a public road of where the public has right of way"
Insurance is funny, my mates insurance company wouldnt cover his Skyline because it wasnt MOT'd or Tax'd. But because he's taken the engine out hes been able to add the car and engine on his house insurance. :lol:
Having heard the argu ent today on the jeremy daily****ingmail show i think this is a good idea. If it's off the road it is sorned and therefore not a problem. It's only likely to be a problem if it isn't insured but you drive it anyway in which case you deserve it and that is probably why yer whingeing about it!

Sounds good to me. Might bring down some insurance costs - get the fookin scousers to cough up fer their insurance for a change!
a bit tough on folks who cant park offroad and keep the motor on the road to sell with a bit of tax on but have transferred the insurance over to the new motor
a bit tough on folks who cant park offroad and keep the motor on the road to sell with a bit of tax on but have transferred the insurance over to the new motor

But if it's on the road (even if it's parked) it is still potentially a public liability and needs insurance. What if someone torched it and it ended up burning the cars next to it - or the handbrake failed and it rolled into someone's house? Public highway = insurance & tax - they go hand in hand!
a bit tough on folks who cant park off road and keep the motor on the road to sell with a bit of tax on but have transferred the insurance over to the new motor

Shouldn 't be on the fecking road without insurance as if it catches fire then poor sod parked next to it will be screwed.
i agree by law but we have all done it now with the new law the database will get you should stop the illegals which is what it is meant for,except they wont have em registered at there home address either so it will only be the honest folk that get fuc*ed as usual
Shouldn 't be on the fecking road without insurance as if it catches fire then poor sod parked next to it will be screwed.

I agree with that entirely. I was worried that I was gonna have to insure the motors I've got undergoing repair that are on my private land and no danger to anyone else but it seems that if they're sorned then it's not an issue for me :D
Seller has to inform DVLA of new keeper's details otherwise they are liable for fines etc

Traders, similar situation. do dishonest people get away with not registering at their home address? False details given when they buy a car?
Here is an Idea-it's a load of bollocks as it is still possible to obtain plates without any paperwork legally (I'm not saying how, but it is)

So you obtain a plate and clone a common car from say 50 miles away(mondeo for instance)

Unless the real one is uninsured or either of you get stopped-your golden
i agree by law but we have all done it now with the new law the database will get you should stop the illegals which is what it is meant for,except they wont have em registered at there home address either so it will only be the honest folk that get fuc*ed as usual

If it gets 50% of the feckers its a (small) price i'm prepared to pay!

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