i was in the same position bud. ended up buying cheap winchmax winch and spent the spare pennies on moving the solenoid into the cab and some spot lights ;-)

12,500lbs, not too fast but it has never let me down, even when it was submerged it pulled. id recommend it without hesitation, if its a cheapy u want
i was in the same position bud. ended up buying cheap winchmax winch and spent the spare pennies on moving the solenoid into the cab and some spot lights ;-)

12,500lbs, not too fast but it has never let me down, even when it was submerged it pulled. id recommend it without hesitation, if its a cheapy u want
winchmax are the orange winches are'nt they?if so my mates got one and ive got to say i was pretty impressed by it,as you say slow but never stop pulling,ive seen it dragging a disco & a 90 linked together trying to pull another disco out,they ended up straping the back motor to a tree and then it pulled the disco out,he didnt say how much it cost but he did say it was cheap
These are rebadged T max winches But with water proof solonoids. I think Gibbo Phil has one and I've see another and it was good and seemed strong But I do remember it over heating and the solonoid stuck on. Mind you he was dragging his ****ty Disco through 4 foot of gloop approx 50 Meters so seems ok for the money.
thats fine, if u want a goldfish. but having seen these perform as well as they do for that kinda money i would buy another one without hesitation.

but each to thier own.

i tend to always use a snatch block to ease the load and have had very few encounters where i have needed to pull for more than maybe 10/20ft so can comment on overheating with distance. but i will say if it gets hot, stop and wait, and if it sticks on, fit a kill switch.

im sure people have had good and bad experiences with even the most expensive of winches tho.
I fookin hate extreme greenlaners?? bunch of braindead useless ****ers with too much testosterone and not enough braincells. I hope the winchrope snaps and cuts ya fooking head off. The world'll be a better place without ya and we might keep a few more lanes open without cuunts like you around. :mad:
My cheap ebay winch has been fantastic. 12000lbs wirless for £230, it has winched and winched and winched. It has worn through two winch lines its now on its third, so it has been used and abused! (and well maintained of corse:rolleyes:) Solnoids have packed up now though, new box is in the post!
Same here... my cheap ebay winch has also been fantastic. 12000lbs wireless for £240, it has winched and winched and winched.
with no problems yet 12 month now and i will be getting one for the 90 next :mad:
I fookin hate extreme greenlaners?? bunch of braindead useless ****ers with too much testosterone and not enough braincells. I hope the winchrope snaps and cuts ya fooking head off. The world'll be a better place without ya and we might keep a few more lanes open without cuunts like you around. :mad:

wasnt going to rise to it but:mad:

(This group is for those of us on LZ, that believes the lanes are there to be driven. And that no one has the right to decide who should or shouldn't be allowed to drive them.)

sound familiar??????
shud do coz u wrote it

the bogy lane i was talkin about is on private land
and the unmanaged lanes are like that cos nobody drives them and im shure you know what hapens to forgoten lanes that dont get used
so please keep your insults to your self until your fully awer of the facts

o and by the way
im a fully active member of glass so i may know abit abought where its not ok to dikaround but thanx for your input... x
Same here... my cheap ebay winch has also been fantastic. 12000lbs wireless for £240, it has winched and winched and winched.
with no problems yet 12 month now and i will be getting one for the 90 next :mad:


If its occasional use, then the budget eBay jobby 12,000lbs winch from www.winchsolutions.co.uk does the job. I've used mine plenty of times in all sorts of conditions and it surprised me when it kept going even after being covered in mud, being submerged in water, etc etc. Best bit was it only cost me £184 + delivery, check out eBay user "winchsol", they sell the winch as a Buy It Now but also occasionally offer them as auctions they run. They did 5 like this, separated by half an hour, on Friday evening. I just kept bidding £20 lower than the BIN price, lost the first few but eventually won one. Some lucky bugger got one for £134 too!

Don't underestimate the cost of all the other bits & bobs you need though - winch bumper, straps, shackles, etc etc.
Also, it makes sense to always use an isolation switch, and mount it in an accessible place so it can serve as an emergency stop too. After all, it might be your hand it saves...

If its occasional use, then the budget eBay jobby 12,000lbs winch from www.winchsolutions.co.uk does the job. I've used mine plenty of times in all sorts of conditions and it surprised me when it kept going even after being covered in mud, being submerged in water, etc etc. Best bit was it only cost me £184 + delivery, check out eBay user "winchsol", they sell the winch as a Buy It Now but also occasionally offer them as auctions they run. They did 5 like this, separated by half an hour, on Friday evening. I just kept bidding £20 lower than the BIN price, lost the first few but eventually won one. Some lucky bugger got one for £134 too!

Don't underestimate the cost of all the other bits & bobs you need though - winch bumper, straps, shackles, etc etc.
this is the input im lookin for
ok so the one your onabout is from winchsoloutions
has any one had any experiance of the other copies????
make and modle please as cheep ebay jobies cud meen any old winch

If its occasional use, then the budget eBay jobby 12,000lbs winch from www.winchsolutions.co.uk does the job. I've used mine plenty of times in all sorts of conditions and it surprised me when it kept going even after being covered in mud, being submerged in water, etc etc. Best bit was it only cost me £184 + delivery, check out eBay user "winchsol", they sell the winch as a Buy It Now but also occasionally offer them as auctions they run. They did 5 like this, separated by half an hour, on Friday evening. I just kept bidding £20 lower than the BIN price, lost the first few but eventually won one. Some lucky bugger got one for £134 too!

Don't underestimate the cost of all the other bits & bobs you need though - winch bumper, straps, shackles, etc etc.

+1 mine too is from winch solutions, I paid £181 for it, I have abused it to hell and back, my rope is getting a little tired now though, but to be fair I don't really look after it. I have had the winch for just over a year now and have given it loads of abuse, would you want to really abuse a £1000 winch? for the price of a Warn winch I cold have 5 or 6 of these winches!

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