
New Member
cant afford a 8274
so looking for the next best thing
I have a small Ramsay at the mo pulling a disco and it gets used quite allot in pay and play and extream green laneing
but im looking for something a bit faster and more reliable
your exert opinion would be grateful
cant afford a 8274
so looking for the next best thing
I have a small Ramsay at the mo pulling a disco and it gets used quite allot in pay and play and extream green laneing
but im looking for something a bit faster and more reliable
your exert opinion would be grateful
i was in the same boat a few week ago,and i bought the goodwinch tdsi goldfish,its great winch,fast,powerfull and waterproof.have a look on the goodwinch website
cheked out them at billing
and yes thay look very wel built
but is 9000lb enuf
i questiond him on this only to find out ther 1200lb is just a 9000 geard down so therfor alot slower
a good solution was get a 9000 and put on there heavy duty bowmotor to bring it to around 1200lb but thenwer back up to £600 for the pair
im lookin for a second hand winch for around £250-350 and you dont oftern see goodwinches for sale secont hand
cheked out them at billing
and yes thay look very wel built
but is 9000lb enuf
i questiond him on this only to find out ther 1200lb is just a 9000 geard down so therfor alot slower
a good solution was get a 9000 and put on there heavy duty bowmotor to bring it to around 1200lb but thenwer back up to £600 for the pair
im lookin for a second hand winch for around £250-350 and you dont oftern see goodwinches for sale secont hand
mines the 9500ib,iwas worried if it would be powerfull enough but believe me it is,when i first got it i winched my self up a near vertical embankment just to test it(as you do:D) and it pulled me up easy,you also get a pulley block with it just in case but i havnt had to use it yet,if you have a look at my profile pic it will give you an idea of the sort of things i use the winch for and its done everything ive asked of it
Extreme greenlaning??? confused
lets just say there is a lot of unmanaged steap wet bogy lanes near us
and all are legal

one particular trak is abought a mile long and in a wel sorted disco it takes me abought 4 hrs to get down it in the dry
if its raining dont bother

some of the other routs are only doable with two or three fatys stood on the rocksliders to keep the motor off its side

driving around gravel traks lookin at hills is fine if your into that but its not for me

bring on the muddd
and any way getting bak to the point
whats the best winch

Superwinch Hydraulic but you aint gonna get one for the money you want to spend.

Maybe you need to work out what YOU want to use it for and when you intend to require it before asking the question. There are pro's and cons with all types of winch but as you want to spend bottom whack you're gonna need to compromise.
£200 to £350 you might aswell just go buy a cheapie and keep the rest of the money to repair it. If you wanna spend around £750 to £1K then thats when you really get a half decent option of a decent winch.
Best option in your price range I guess would be a second hand warn, goodwinch or similar or just buy a new cheapie Tmax or other chinky one and save the pennies to repair or upgrade later
Superwinch Hydraulic but you aint gonna get one for the money you want to spend.

Maybe you need to work out what YOU want to use it for and when you intend to require it before asking the question. There are pro's and cons with all types of winch but as you want to spend bottom whack you're gonna need to compromise.

fair coment m8
but as i explaind what kinda stuf i do with my car i thought that was clear
i want a fast reliable buget winch second hand for less than £400

personly i dont agree with your coment about them been out of my reach as ive seen plenty of hydrolic superwinches for around £300
but wasnt to chufed about the idea of extra pipes to leak where to mount the tank and more belts to slip never min yet another pump to let me down
arnt thay more comenly seen on water board landrovers when long slow continuss pulling is needed used for pulling pipes and cables down trenches????
i have to cary enuf spears as it is just to keep my disco running for a whole day
looking for somthing a bit difrent
thanx m8 for your input anyway
cant afford a 8274
so looking for the next best thing
I have a small Ramsay at the mo pulling a disco and it gets used quite allot in pay and play and extream green laneing
but im looking for something a bit faster and more reliable
your exert opinion would be grateful

lets just say there is a lot of unmanaged steap wet bogy lanes near us
and all are legal

one particular trak is abought a mile long and in a wel sorted disco it takes me abought 4 hrs to get down it in the dry
if its raining dont bother

some of the other routs are only doable with two or three fatys stood on the rocksliders to keep the motor off its side

driving around gravel traks lookin at hills is fine if your into that but its not for me

bring on the muddd

ffs and people wonder why landrover owners have a ****ing bad name!!

i bet your the kinda person who decides that because a lane isn't challenging enough you will start using the ditches and banks beside it making it impassable to everyone due to the normal watercourse being broken open and allowed to run down the lane!

you will get the lanes shut and ruin it for everyone
Best option in your price range I guess would be a second hand warn, goodwinch or similar or just buy a new cheapie Tmax or other chinky one and save the pennies to repair or upgrade later

thats exacly what i meen m8
but which is the best of them???

not keen on spendin less than £500 on a second hand warn cos its probly alredy knaked and wil cost shedloads to get up to scratch

tmax ive had no experiance with

second hand goodwinches are like rokin horse ****

ive seen some real ****y chinky ones but are thay all realy that bad??

there is a chineez coppy of a goodwinch but whats it like???????

and there is loadsa other cheeper alternatives im just wanting other peoples opinion on what there experiance with thease
fair coment m8
but as i explaind what kinda stuf i do with my car i thought that was clear
i want a fast reliable buget winch second hand for less than £400

personly i dont agree with your coment about them been out of my reach as ive seen plenty of hydrolic superwinches for around £300
but wasnt to chufed about the idea of extra pipes to leak where to mount the tank and more belts to slip never min yet another pump to let me down
arnt thay more comenly seen on water board landrovers when long slow continuss pulling is needed used for pulling pipes and cables down trenches????
i have to cary enuf spears as it is just to keep my disco running for a whole day
looking for somthing a bit difrent
thanx m8 for your input anyway

You didn't say what you wanted to use it for. You said you wanted a fast reliable budget winch. That is a specification.

Are you intending to winch long distances or for prolonged periods? are you gonna run wire cable or synthetic rope? Are you gonna be wading your landy? Are you intending to drive in deep mud? Are you gonna waterproof yer winch or are you gonna strip and re-build it after every heavy session? Are you gonna use it on single or twin line pulls? How many layers are you intending to have on the drum while winching? How are you going to power it.

Most waterboard/leccy board landys have shaft driven winches. Some do have hydraulic though.

Get the hydraulic pump matched to the winch and it can winch faster than an 8274 can. I used to be able to bump start cars with the hydraulic winch on my last truck with the engine revs at 1500rpm.
You didn't say what you wanted to use it for. You said you wanted a fast reliable budget winch. That is a specification.

Are you intending to winch long distances or for prolonged periods? are you gonna run wire cable or synthetic rope? Are you gonna be wading your landy? Are you intending to drive in deep mud? Are you gonna waterproof yer winch or are you gonna strip and re-build it after every heavy session? Are you gonna use it on single or twin line pulls? How many layers are you intending to have on the drum while winching? How are you going to power it.

Most waterboard/leccy board landys have shaft driven winches. Some do have hydraulic though.

Get the hydraulic pump matched to the winch and it can winch faster than an 8274 can. I used to be able to bump start cars with the hydraulic winch on my last truck with the engine revs at 1500rpm.

2x 750cca baterys (ocasianly 24v for short periods)
plasma rope
winching for as long as the winch wil cope
single pull
fast as posable
yes it often gets dunked in deep mud
2x 750cca baterys (ocasianly 24v for short periods)
plasma rope
winching for as long as the winch wil cope
single pull
fast as posable
yes it often gets dunked in deep mud

That's cheap Chinese tat out the window. They don't like 24v (unless you get a 24v winch), plasma ropes will melt during long winches (and 24v operations on a 12v winch). Chinese winches are allergic to mud and water. Using plasma rope means you won't wind the rope on properly so will alter the gearing of the winch.

12v leccy winches in general will stick the solenoid into the on position if used with 24v and will cause the winch to keep going after you let off the remote.

If you're using the winch on single pull you will be pulling at higher loads so will burn a leccy motor out quicker. I have 150ft of 10mm wire on my truck winch. Using several snatch blocks to reduce the load I can pretty much pull whatever I want. I probably go though a winch cable about once every 3 -4 years.

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