I'm about half way through your thread! Looks f*ucking awesome.
Given me lots of inspiration to get saving!!
Was looking at DAFs on eBay last night.
Trouble is I live on the Isle of Wight which makes logistics expensive coz of the damn ferries!! :(

Thanks :D
Saving is the hard part, I've spent far to much :eek:
Ah, yes damn ferries indeed, what does it cost out of interest?
Is their no engines for sale locally either, or not really available.
I guess they maybe expensive over their too :(
Might be able to find a local one, but there'll be a pitiful selection. :p

On a Sunday morning, traveling during non peak times costs me £50.
It's the most expensive (£/mile) way to travel in England.

I'm terrible with money, burns a whole in my pocket!!
Got myself a financial plan for next year, that involves lots of landy money, so all goes well I'll be ready by next christmas to do my rebuild. Maybe sooner! :D
can an air conditioning compressor be used for OBA?

ive got one on this v8 ive bought and wondering whether to keep it on, or remove it. my dash doesnt have all the AC stuff so thats out.

Might be able to find a local one, but there'll be a pitiful selection. :p

On a Sunday morning, traveling during non peak times costs me £50.
It's the most expensive (£/mile) way to travel in England.

I'm terrible with money, burns a whole in my pocket!!
Got myself a financial plan for next year, that involves lots of landy money, so all goes well I'll be ready by next christmas to do my rebuild. Maybe sooner! :D

Suppose it depends on the cost of them around you too, still may be worth the ferry trip is it's a cheap engine.

I don't have a financial plan, that's far to organized for me :p
To be fair I'm good with money (other than when I'm going silly buying new tools :eek: )
But not working 6 months of this year has bloody skint'ed me.
Well the 90 has should I say and it still isn't finished.
I've still got a list as long as my arm that I want, I could spend 2.5k on uprating the axles :eek:
It just gets silly.
Suppose it depends on the cost of them around you too, still may be worth the ferry trip is it's a cheap engine.

I don't have a financial plan, that's far to organized for me :p
To be fair I'm good with money (other than when I'm going silly buying new tools :eek: )
But not working 6 months of this year has bloody skint'ed me.
Well the 90 has should I say and it still isn't finished.
I've still got a list as long as my arm that I want, I could spend 2.5k on uprating the axles :eek:
It just gets silly.

I wouldn't say silly... my friend works in a yacht chandlery, and someone came in and spend £10,000 on flags. Yes, FLAGS. That's pretty silly. I could think of so many better ways to spend 10 grand lol
I wouldn't say silly... my friend works in a yacht chandlery, and someone came in and spend £10,000 on flags. Yes, FLAGS. That's pretty silly. I could think of so many better ways to spend 10 grand lol

Ah, yes I will admit that is rather silly :eek: I say silly on my behalf because I buy tools I could manage without even though I aint got a job and have little money coming in :eek:
I just can't help myself :eek:

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