
Active Member
Hi all,

Maybe I am going mad or a bit stupid. We currently have our Freelander (year 2000 2.0L) in the garage for repairs which is becoming a long and expensive story.

We have been told the turbo is screwed and needs replacing.

I have looked in the Rave CD and cannot find any reference to a turbo on this model engine. Its listed on the owners paper (A Hungarian thing), its a TD4. It certainly is not, I can probably find a picture of the engine if I need too.

Hence my question what turbo, any help appreciated.
Let me add some more to this. Essentially after we had some engine work carried out 2 weeks ago which involved some work on the camshaft, the car was returned and sat idle for a week. Last weekend we took it for the 90KM journey to mother in laws, driving there was no problems at all.

On the day to return my wife took my mother in law shopping. Important to note, prior to her leaving I filled the water & screenwash and checked the oil level as I noticed there was a oil leak. Whilst out, my wife informs me, the throttle had stuck wide open and white smoke was pouring out of the exhaust. The car would not turn off, so on calling the garage, she was told to keep it in 1st gear with the clutch down and let the fuel burn out.

On her returning, I decided we would leave immediately as it was mid afternoon and I did not want to be on the lanes in the dark and its - stupid degrees out. On the way home we started to climb a (unavoidable) mountain, where I though if anything is going to go wrong it would be here.

At that point there was a slipping type noise from the engine, loads of white smoke from the exhaust and a stuck throttle. Knocking down to 4th 3rd etc, the engine was losing pressure and the slipping noise worse. The only way to keep any pressure was keeping it in 5th gear. So at this point my wife is on the phone to the garage where they insist its the fuel pump.

Going through the next 40KM, the throttle is periodically slipping, when we need to go uphill, then the white smoke from the exhaust, we dare not change down from 5th. At that point we pull over before we get onto the motorway prior to the city.

The thought was, now we have a flat run, maybe we can get home without the noise and the white smoke and the sticking throttle, as when we left mother in laws. Prior to the mountain climb.

At that point, the engine is turned back on, the oil light stays on. I immediatly stop the engine, check the oil - its as dry as a bone according to the dipstick. But interestingly the fuel gauge is reading full where prior it was at 75% full - is it full of oil I wonder.

So after one breakdown lorry (cash deal with no paperwork), straight to the garage we go, 3 days later without a phone call, we are told the turbo needs replacing? And its not related to the prior work undertaken. However the garage will do the work with no labour costs. As you can imagine quite ****ed off.
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Definitely the turbo - same happened to mine.
An oil seal gives out and the turbo sucks all the oil out of the sump and blasts it into the engine, which the car can obviously run on.
You can do it yourself if you have the inclination as there are turbo repair kits you can buy online - it's probably a Garret (mine was) but I can't remember part numbers etc.
I fixed mine that way, so if I can do it I'm pretty sure most people can!
Was it burning blue smoke prior to this when running. As said the turbo seals have probably given in. Happened to me in an astra once not good.
Thanks all, and to the PM sent by a member yes it is a L model.

year is 2000. I will definately inquire into a fix kit.

Update we found the part number required: PMF100490.
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this is one of my dreads , course of action on a runaway is to stall the engine asap to prevent a seized engine , hope its not too bad

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