What shape Becker Satnav/cd release keys ?
Can any one tell me the basic shape of the radio release keys needed for the Becker satnav/radio/cd fitted to the Disco 2’s, I got a set from Ebay, slot keys which taper to a point 16mm from the end with a small nipple on the very end, they don’t work? Looking at the Rave manual the radio keys shown are slot keys but with a rectangle shape cut on one side, but the Radio shown in the Rave manual is different the my Becker, any one removed there Becker ?
if you dont want to spend ya money, and dont mind peeing the wife off lol

all u have to do is file the handle down on one of ya tea spoon handles

dun worry about the cut out shape of the right tool , u just need something thats flat and will fit in the hole :)

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