
Well-Known Member
Just tried some expensive black stuff to seal my smelly/weeping fuel sender. Within 40 miles its blocked up my fuel filter making the bugger kangaroo embarassingly when even it gets some revs.

So what to use instead?

BTW: It was a new gasket but leaked up through the screws and was enough to give you a headache and see monsters when stuck in a traffic jam!
Blue Hylomar is supposed to be fuel resistant - I've used it on fuel tank gaskets without any problems.
I had originally, but after a few weeks it starts leaking petrol round the screw threads, it was more something to seal them up. I've done it up with blue and it seems better now.

I also found some red I beleive that is supposed to be better on petrol but it seems to be petrol soluble - might be the ethanol thats in petrol now, it says on the packet to remove excess with meths...

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