I agree - but the wear and tear at 160kph is greater on me than on the Freelander.

Short bursts are no problem, but I don't like sustaining the degree of concentration needed for such high speeds on really long journeys.

I (my wallet, and my Freelander) are much happier at a cruising speed of 125kph (or approx 80mph)

I switch on the AutoPilot (Cruise Control) - put a Bruce Springsteen or André Rieu CD in the slot and watch the scenery go by - Lovely!

Singvogel. :cool2:
that's a very diverse taste in music you have there singvogel;)
80mph why in such a rush, go slow see the world, i never go above 40, i like to pose, is not that what a gaylander is for.

Ha ha - I see the world OK - at the moment I'm in Bosnia. Nine countries last week!

If I'd driven at 40mph I'd just be about Aachen by now!

Four days on the road is quite enough, although I have done over 500 miles a day for 7 or 8 days single-handed when it was really necessary to get to Greece, without using a ferry, and Jugoslavia was closed due to having a war on at the time.

I would consider 40mph on the motorway to be a dangerous 'moving hazard' - the big-wheelers in Germany and Austria would go nuts.

I'll leave the 'posing' to you young guys. :rofl:

Singvogel. :cool2:
nicest thing i have been called today, young guy. i am 65 next year but only 20 in my head, just enjoy myself and live happy.that is all there is to life, dont worry enjoy it.why are you rushing around the world , as an old hippy smell the flowers.I engoy driveing the gaylander .
I think Singvogel's Freelander should be renamed "voyager" - surely he's done as many miles as the probe of the same name :D!
hiya, i was looking at a disco 2, bot unfourtunatley, the fuel consumption was lousey, i do 12000 miles a month, but, to be honest, i've driven both, & i love the freelander, as i keep saying, it's a great vehicle it to bit's (despite it costing me £245 already lol), martyn
ditto, the people at bell are most helpful, & can't belive how different it feel's' totally new car
It will need to feel like a new car if your doing 144,000 miles a year!
the ladies love em

That's a sure thing, today my granddaughter said,
Opa, (granddad overhere) you have a beautiful and nice car. I asked if she referred to the outside and she said, no, both inside and outside it's great. And she's only 9 .........:):D:D:D
the carpenters for me when cruising

I like to hear "Driving along in my automobile" of Chuck Berry. But can't play these cd's anymore, the least of bump in the road the bl.... thing skipps half of the song, on cobblestone it even don't start anymore, just skipping and skipping.
nicest thing i have been called today, young guy. i am 65 next year but only 20 in my head, just enjoy myself and live happy.that is all there is to life, dont worry enjoy it.why are you rushing around the world , as an old hippy smell the flowers.I engoy driveing the gaylander .

65 eh ???? and next year already ?? wow, sweet memories for me ......:D:D:D (as that's 6 years gone for me now).;)
I loves ma hippo I does. He makes me happy. Been driving it for 8 years. Many happy motoring miles covered with some great days out oft roading. I didn’t choose it. Mine was inherited. Ever since that fateful day I int stopped forking out for repairs. It’s comfortable on long journeys and doesn’t give the same tiredness of travel I get from hire cars at work. Never had an auto before myself. Driven them at work and liked them. The Jatco seems to be set-up just right to vary the balance of power against cruising. When I parks up at my destination I can’t wait to get back in and continue driving. Air conditioning, a heater that works and comfort. I loves ma little pocket range rover I does. He makes me happy.

Passengers often comment how comfortable it is to ride in. Bit more roll on corners than the average car but this can be tamed a bit with careful driving. Mines the v6 so power int a problem. Put yer foot down and it drops gears un revs to 6000. More stress equals more repairs. I prefer to drive it gently rather than thrashing it. Fool economy is poor. But yer can’t really expect anything less from a furra bred.

After a period of good service from my local main dealer I started having problems with them. Bills getting higher. Work carried out not fixing the problem and a massive argument, which they still remember. I’d been doing some of my own repairs for a while so I started to service it myself. Been learning ever since. Parts prices int as cheap as the average car and it’s had more than it’s fair share of replacement parts. But I forgets all that when I’m happily driving it. Yer can’t beat that special moment when it starts first time, or you complete yer journey without something felled oft or it breaking down.

Peeps poke fun at ma hippo. The doors int falled oft and they never will. Onlookers have been surprised at what he can do oft road. If I wanted a proper oft roader I’d buy a Unimog. Anything else is just a pretender. Many don’t realise the capabilities of a Freelander. That dun’t mean he dun’t get stuck. Once bellied out needing a push and twice needing a short pull due to bellied front end and no traction to reverse. Slittys used for recovery.

If I were to listen to the bullies about ma hippos potential faults, I’d be a nervous wreck. All this crap about gaskets, autos, ird, chassis splits… makes yer think it’s the only car in the world that has “design features”. All cars have their own common faults. It’s as if they think they’ll last forever.

I loves ma hippo I does. He makes me happy. We’ve had some sad times when he’s been broke’d but we’ve always got through it so far. I’d miss him if he was proper broke’d, or beyond the point of a feasible repair when considering the cost. It’s my choice to keep him and that’s what I would like to do. I loves ma hippo I does. He makes me happy.
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Best reply of the thread, shoulda known it would be Hippo :D.

All the flaws just add the to the flavour - where's the fun in having now problems to solve.

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