nothing!! cos me girlfriend finally gave birth to a beautifull healthy baby girl:D :D

congrats bud ! bang goes piecefull nights sleep :D

put a coat of sadalin on me cubby box i made

insurance was sorted yesterday, got the tax this morning. Just gotta empty all the crap and screw the steering wheel on tight before I go to the Sqn tonight.
Went to take the tow hitch off, decided that it must affect my approach and departure angles a bit.

Fcuked around for a bit and decided I couldn't be arrsed, besides, the boss wanted me in the office, not the car park.
bolted the pressure and friction plates onto the flywheel,
broke the spigot bush for the new clutch fork,
titted about with a little plastic staple,
put a new gear selector bias plate on,
lost one of the bolts,
got cold and come in.

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