Exciting day today. I've finished stripping off bits of butyl card glued to the roof. The back is now a completely empty shell and ready for soundproofing. I'll post up the job start to finish on my project thread when it's done.
My EGR removal kit arrived on Friday. Didn't get to fit it as I need a couple of caps that weren't in with the kit.
I should make some solid progress this week if it doesn't get too cold.
please excuse my ignorance but when i blanked the egr i also by passed egr cooler.
they failed on most 52 to 56 l200 which lead to over heating and hg failure.
is this the case with td5.
Hi Gaza,
I'm the ignorant one here I'm afraid. Not a mechanic. Got the kit through & worked out where the blanking plate & EGR removal fitting go. There is a cooler between the manifold and the EGR unit. There is a coolant hose going to it and a vacuum tube to the EGR fitting. I understand they need tracing back to source and capping. Didn't have the bits so the job hasn't been done yet.
I could just take it to my friendly garage and ask them to do it for me but I'm not learning anything by doing that. I will pop in and see them though to check I'm doing things right before I butcher my engine :D
I guess we are both learning my reason for the egr blanking of 55 truck was told it stopped recycling its own s*it.
and my 2015 l200 has just had to be cleaned out short runs low mileage.
Spent the day redoing and tidying up all the wiring in my cubby box,engine bay and underneath, im really bad at wire management.:(
Still got to sort the birds nest in the aux fuse/relay box, I really shouldve done it properly the first time round :rolleyes:
Well... borrowed a trolley jack, bar and sockets from work, but got held back at work and they stayed in the car. Didn’t fancy jacking the disco up on a cold dark driveway :oops:


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Just taken me 90 mins to cover 12 miles home, no sodding wipers. I can hear the relay click so suspect it's that sodding earth on the bulkhead again.
Try pulling the wipers off the windscreen and see if they work then, they may even need a nudge.


I've swung off the damn things. It happened last year and they started working on their own. The snow fall was so bad I had to stop to clear the screen by hand.
Oil change and air filter done this weekend.

I changed the fuel tank a few weeks ago, so I'll change the fuel filter once the tank is a bit more empty.
No reverse/work lights, fan or front work light.this will be power to the relays.
Quick look & the fuse has been knocked.
All sorted.

Oh & my wiper has fell off again. :mad:

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