Pikied a couple of bearings from Pikey and sorted my hub :) :) :) Back on the road!

And cheers fer spending a couple of hours cutting, grinding and beating the inner race orf anorl....though I wuz really looking forward to that bit :eek:
nope, not gaylander. disco 1 starter motor set fire to itself.

and now, the most awkward bolt holding it in, won't undo.

shouldn't have put the fire out!
i,ve just finish wiring a new door pin into the fuel filler flap for the alarm on the old range rover classic past couple of weeks been loosing fuel some where so the past weekend. i checked the tank and connection so see if i had a leak nope. tuesday night my youngest had a nightmare in the early hours so i made him some hot chocolate to settle him down, when i heard a car with a big bore exhaust start up and scream it out of the village went out to check on the range rover fuel filler flap was wide open. must have disturb them when i put the living room light so i,ve wired in a new pin to the alarm
Today I have been getting my 200 ready for off road trip on Sunday well mainly just refitted the rear bumper, now I'm going out to check oil etc, anyone else going to Bures Pit?
Fitted a a gas strut to ma back door,and removed the old ratly bar that never worked ,how many times has the wind blown and slammed ma door shut,not anymore :D
Had a hand of my mate. Bonnet off cable ties few things up & new ariel for radio had 5 mins drive with out bonnet great fun

Changed power steering and alternator belts, and removed door card to inspect rot in passenger door. It's much more worst than I thought.
Good job there's a door on its way, maybe if the courier service pulled it finger out.

Hers the link to some pictures of the door. Flickr: Lloyd lee 1502's Photostream
fitted me cubby box properly. whilest doing it I but was asked to look at a car that had a funny hissing noise coming from engine bay. I couldn't figure out what it was..

fitted me cubby box properly. whilest doing it I but was asked to look at a car that had a funny hissing noise coming from engine bay. I couldn't figure out what it was..


You know I really, really don't like snakes, I don't know why, I've never met one It's just that they put the "fear" in me. If I opened my bonnet and saw that I would just freak out.

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