My bloody spare wheel carrier burst though the body at the top, I had to weld the capping, fit a new spreader plate , spray It and refit it all, all in all quite pleased with how it's turned out.
Mounted my radiator and new rad.frame.2 inches rearward. Made and fitted water hoses, oil pipes for.remote.filter and oil cooler, fitted breather pipes and flame traps, just got to fit fuel pipe to carbs fit filters and those nice Ali 180 degree inlet pipes fill.with oil.and.wire up the starter motor and.she should fire up hopefully firing the weekend!!!!
Welding finished for now! Woot! Woot!

Sill is mega strong. I just have to clean up the welds.

F**k yeah!
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done 50% of rewiring my headlights :)

rewired the feed to dipped headlights through 2 of 30/40 amp relays
using the old headlight feed as switching current only ?

I found half a dozen or so nice used metal cased relays in me shed,
were ex russian Lada Samara ones :)

will rewired the other 50% tomorrow if I get time,
and not raining,
or not too lazy :)
got me landyzone sticker yestereday, got it stuck on...

Replace my starter motor on the V8. Pig of a job outside between the rain bursts. Just need to find a new screw for the heat shield as it blew away in to the field next door after I used it hold a piece of paper down. Lost the paper as well :scratching_chin: At least it start now. Need to fit the reconditioned XYZ switch tomorrow. Should be fun :eek:

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