both UJ's on front prop an transfer box bolts......and nothing left over
well pleased....
couldn't have done it without help on here.....was going to rip cv apart!:)
been ****ing around trying to weld up cracks in the rear door frame of the landy, 2nd time Ive had to do it after some one backed into the back of the landy and broke the frame in a couple of places, Now on the look for a new rear door,

Also re-centered the wheel anyone else noticed how weird it feels driving with the wheel in the right position lol
Been using mine for some very early starts last week, driving through heavy snow and thick ice. Having taken off the Visco fan the engine warms up much quick and you actually get heat coming through. Its driving beautifully. Why aren't all all cars like this.
We moved house, with the help of a Jap friend.


Perfect conditions for it.

By the by, traction control and ABS will get someone killed. Going up a slightly iced 16% incline, the Hilux shot up no problems, I gave it a go in the RR and I ended up in a whole world of brown underpants.

Run 1, I was in low range, using 3rd gear (hill climb mode), got about 50m from the top, turbo kicks in, traction control ****s the bed and stops all four wheels, try to stop and ABS goes insane and release the brakes on all four wheels. So now I'm going down a hill, backwards with no brakes no engine brake (thanks slushbox for putting in the clutch) limited viability.

I make it to the bottom, try again, stick it in 1st, thinking that will overcome the issue, get 50m from the top turbo kicks in, TC ****s the bed, as does ABS and I'm going back down again, no way to stop and a lot of fear going on now.

I make it to the bottom and try again, stick it in drive, nail it thinking speed will overcome. Get to the same point, turbo kicks in, traction control ****s the bed, ABS does the same, but this time I hit a snow bank, this pitches the truck around 90 degrees and now I'm going down the hill sideways, then it hits another snow back and another 90 degrees, so now I'm going down the hill forwards, but at least now the gearbox is letting me use engine brake. I get to the bottom, turn around.

Fourth try, select high, stick it in drive and nail it up the hill, this time the turbo doesn't come on and I make it out with just a little wheel spin. And some very brown underpants.

I wonder if there is a wire I can splice or fuse to pull which'll turn off TC/ABS.

I also placed some cardboard and tinfoil between the grill and the rad. Which means the temp gauge is now getting just above blue and I get a little bit of heat.
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you can turn tc off in most cars, newer ones have it built into a stability program, but can still be switched off
hit the bottom of the hill already in boost. even in non TC cars unexpected boost can cause a failed hillclimb if you dont know what s what. (not saying that you dont obviously as your conditions are slightly different.)
Hmm, I suspect some inexperience could've been at play, was my first time driving a slushbox and a vehicle with computer aides in the snow (excluding when I passed my driving test). Unfortunately due to the hill, there is no way of being in boost as you hit it and it isn't a constant gradient, about half way up it gets slightly steep then near the top, where the turbo comes on song, it really steepens up. The Hill (It stops at 2:24).

So yeah, it was eventful to say the least. But I learnt a lot about my truck which helped.
Hmm, I suspect some inexperience could've been at play, was my first time driving a slushbox and a vehicle with computer aides in the snow (excluding when I passed my driving test). Unfortunately due to the hill, there is no way of being in boost as you hit it and it isn't a constant gradient, about half way up it gets slightly steep then near the top, where the turbo comes on song, it really steepens up. The Hill (It stops at 2:24).

So yeah, it was eventful to say the least. But I learnt a lot about my truck which helped.
You have a truck as well? Interesting, what make is it?:rolleyes:
Spent a couple of hours this morning, teaching the missus to start and drive "Larry" (S3 LWB). I might be going for back surgery soon, so wanted to make sure she could move him if needed. She definatley found it a bit different to her Corsa....................but did ok, :D
10-minute job changing a track rod end on the drag bar, which took over 2 hours!!

Couldn't get the QH end to seat properly in the housing and the nut just spun around, so I finished up jacking up the body, putting a bar over the end and managed to tighten it that way!!

I love these simple jobs :D
Usual Sunday stuff, clean the outside, tidy the inside, pressure wash all the salt from underneath, check oil, coolant, brake fluid, clutch fluid, power steering fluid, washer fluid, checked all lights, amazing to see how many idiots drive around with faulty bulbs, and Land Rovers get stick for constantly breaking, at least the owners are competent enough to look after them :rolleyes: and I took the wingtop vent off and stuck the grill back with some belzona, just waiting for it to dry now :biggrin1:
well things ive done today......changed my glow plugs for nice new ngk ones,when i tested the old ones not one of them even got slightly warm(i find that strange)but then again i havent changed them in 7 years lol.ile see if she starts on the next freezing morning..fingers crossed,checked all fluid levels,checked tyre pressures,and give her a well deserved wash.does anyone know if the glow plugs can completely pack in.also three of them were covered in wet oil what does this mean.
Washed them both and the Jeep to boot. Power washed as much of the salt from underneath as i could. Now its ****ing down. On the bright side maybe the rain will wash the salt off the roads.
Blasted 2 hrs down the motorway.......met some weirdo and his missus in a 90.......drank coffee.......blasted back via me sisters.

No roadside 'tweaking' fer a change :D

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