****ed loads of peeps off extracting it from the middle of a market

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Received my order from Paddocks yesterday. Its ****ing down at the moment here but wanted to fix a couple of things. Managed to change the heat temperature send unit. Gauge now working. Tried to undo thermostat house to change the stat for an 88 degree one. First stud snapped off the others seem so tight they will also break off. Think I will leave that till the weather improves.
Next, found a dry bit of ground and got underneath to change the tail pipe. Bolts rusted solid. Sprayed penetrating oil , decided to leave it for another day also. Came in made a cuppa and settling into a comfortable chair and watch TV. There are some days my Defender just doesn't want to be fixed.
Thats what you need a bullbar for ;)

The chap doing the raffle was very helpful and we carefully moved his table at considerable risk to his wine bottles....

Miserable cow in the blue refused point blank to move her awning, even though there was nothing in the way........So the landy moved it while she shouted :rolleyes:

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