Bloody chinese.... they are going to copy it and make some cheep ****ty rip of, just like they copy everything else the cheating battys. They copied a BMW X5 (not that I care about them)... BMW took them to court over it and the chinese won because they threatened stop all imports, blackmailing corrupt battys.
Covered my dog guard with a thick fleece blanket to try and keep some warmth in the cab :)

Bought it a 90k "heart" to be transplanted soon................

went to change my rocker cover gasket today thinking it was leaking, turns out its fine but this black thing is leaking around its o ring. Anyone know what it is so I can search for a replacement o ring.... or just replace the whole thing?

sat in the traffic in her while she still smokes a fair bit to set off at the lights and leave a big black stripe of soot n carbon down the passengers side of a silver BMW :D:D:D:D
limped to work, will be changing fuel filter before I attempt to go home again, very long steep hill to get up, if it ain't the fuel filter, Im gonna be driving the long way round to get home.
Pulled out the rear subwoofers in the door, all knackered and split will be changing for new ones and wiring these to the current rear pillar ones. Will try and source a sub to mount on the back door

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