removing engine for clutch replacement and other work. (i e clean the bloody oil up that sprayed everywhere when oil cooler pipe decided to spring a leak:eek::eek:

Drove it over to Grimmer's new gaff near Montrose and watched him do a better welding job than I would have ... it was worth the journey just to watch my wee 3 month old Jack Russel bitch getting to go crazy with Craig's kids and barking at a couple of ponies, she had a great time ... oh and there was a great bonus ... I got to drive through the wee puddle at the end of his road, it came up to my doors :D but didn't quite get inside, it was covered with pond weeds of some sort that are now dangling from my winch, bumper and underbits like a trophy :D:D:D

P.S. I even got fed !
Nah not cleaning that! It'll never go again!:D
Just cleaned the Somerset mud off mine after a trip to the West Country yesterday. I went to look at a few of the places I spent my time as a teenager. The Land Rover performed faultlessly and covered around 400 miles. We had a look at my old village, and places along the coast like Lilstock (the old harbour is almost completely overgrown now) Blue Anchor and Watchet (no longer a freight harbour but entirely given over to tourism) and noticed that the West Somerset Mineral Railway on the Brendon hills has been subject to some restoration as well as having its own website. They were after iron in them thar hills and not copper as people used to tell me in the 1970s. Shows what a lot of crap the adults spout at you when you’re a child. I'm sure you West Country members have noticed this already, but everything has been transformed in the last 30 years from run down agriculture and struggling light industry to rampant gentrification. The cellophane works at Bridgwater has been crushed to powder and no longer emits its rich, suphurous egg-fart smell, and the malodorous paper factory at Watchet stinks no more. The whole place smells posh instead. Oh, where is the filth and rural marginality of my youth?
Was it good? Did ask if they would let me but seeing as my air intake is a cobbled together affair ( well til I can fit the air box I found at the show) they advised against
Was it good? Did ask if they would let me but seeing as my air intake is a cobbled together affair ( well til I can fit the air box I found at the show) they advised against

Compared to other intermediate courses I've done..... Yes it was really good. V deep water and all

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