Yesterday I had a productive day, I got the snorkel caught on a branch in a hedge, got the revs up to reverse it out, went shooting backwards and into a friends garage. So that trip cost me a broken indicator lens, whole break light broke, cracked lens on the work lights, snorkel is completely fecked, whole thing needs replacing. On top of that I have to pay for the damage to their garage door.


What I did get from all this is a massive collection of light lenses and enclosures on their way to me, so have plenty of spares the next time I decide to drive into something :) Just have to get hunting for a snorkel on fleabay
Removed the dickie seats from the boot, left the brackets and put a couple of M6 bolts and nuts through so I can use these to tighten down my sleeping table more easily and make it safer in a rollover .. ;)

Tidied up the lightbar wiring, electrical tape in black so it's almost unnoticeable. One day, when I get time, I'll do a proper job on it, but for now it works, which is 'a good thing' in my book. :cool:

Generally tidied up a few things, noticed a little rust on the battery tray .. nothing to write home about, just the plastic wing-underside (whatever they're called) stud holes getting a bit rusty on the edges. It'll last ... ;)
I've changed a balljoint. The joint in the steering arm was getting a little loose so it was time to do something about it. Here it is all soaked in penetrating oil and ready for action

It was windy round our way, so a good deal of the spray from my nice new aerosol of 3 in 1 went in my eyes. It doesn't 'arf sting. Undaunted, here I am with the breaker bar

On with the ball joint splitter

Dear me, it looks a bit small for the job. That's the trouble with buying tools off Ebay. Never mind, it's got a grip and the tapered pin released itself with a satisfying twang. Here's the old balljoint, more or less where the bits fell. See how dry and rusty they are. There's also a little puddle of rusty water which ran out.

New one in situ. This one actually has some grease in it, plus a bit of copper grease on the tapered pin so it'll come off next time.

I know it's sad, but I quite enjoy changing ball joints. I might try the rear axle one sometime soon, for a really mega balljoint experience.
Swore at it.

A lot.........

Drove to me mates to weld a small patch on inner wing for mot, half way there went to change gear and 'thunk', pedal to the floor and then went solid so drove rest of way with clutchless changes. (clutch release fork punched through I reckons:rolleyes:)
So started to poke at rusty bit on inner wing and ended up like this




fitted an extended breather kit from qwyn lewis, very pleased with it and only used about half of the hose :D called qwyn before i started and he was very helpful, his reputation really does proceed him :) then put in some new door locks since i lost my keys a while ago so she's abit more secure now :)
Swore at it.

A lot.........

Drove to me mates to weld a small patch on inner wing for mot, half way there went to change gear and 'thunk', pedal to the floor and then went solid so drove rest of way with clutchless changes. (clutch release fork punched through I reckons:rolleyes:)
So started to poke at rusty bit on inner wing and ended up like this





I cant see any rust! But you have massive holes in the panels mate dont know if you spotted that?


Unlucky pal hope it fdoesnt cost to much to fix

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