I think they're alright :p would go nicely on my disco and did see a fender with them in town……..albeit driven by some stupid old bint as it was bright white.

Same as yesterday saw some stupid old bint driving a hilux……stopped next to her at the lights and she looked at my ugly mug in disgust :mad:

Edited for accuracy
Jet washed underneath so I can see how bad the chassis really is tomorrow.

And made brackets for the air box and a 90 bend. I'd forgotted how satisfying making landy bits can be. Hope it fits tomorrow...

With the help of our resident porn addict I changed the injector seals, rocker cover gasket and injector wiring loom. I also emptied some wood and coal out of it.
how do u get on with the grooved drilled discs off road?

Never taken them off road, but apparently they're no good, and also I've heard that these don't last very long, so I'll be changing them very soon I think :rolleyes: shouldn't have bought them but oh well :D
Drove it! went shopping, and then collect five bags of wood pellets...then drove it down a gravel road to a BBQ, drank beers...wife drove back :)
found a puddle under mine yesterday..

rad top hose split, got a new one and whacked it on..

15 min job... should of changed it when i noticed it was splittin 2 weeks age...
Fitted 300 seats into my 200 disco,was going to fit 300 headlights but need some clips which,i'll get next week

then removed the plastic sill covers to find...................................

2 sills:eek::eek::D:D no holes:eek::eek:
Got the spare tyre removed from the rim as they're getting collected tomorrow, new Maxxis arrives on monday so I'm picking it up then

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