Reluctantly changed the rear prop donut after shredding it at Granby Farm last week.
Was hoping the snow would hold off till Monday, as I've a couple of Gwyn Lewis spec, Bailey Morris wide angled jobbies turning up! :D

Didn't know you had problems last week buddy! :confused:
Fitted my new winch bumper today in the snow ... angle grinder needed for body panel adjustments but looks great! :)
Didn't know you had problems last week buddy! :confused:

Neither did I until it come to the drive home. The whole vehicle was vibrating like mad when under load, but managed to get home okay albeit it at a steady pace.
How the donut held out, I'll never know. It was absolutely destroyed and literally fell apart when I took it off today! :eek:
Neither did I until it come to the drive home. The whole vehicle was vibrating like mad when under load, but managed to get home okay albeit it at a steady pace.
How the donut held out, I'll never know. It was absolutely destroyed and literally fell apart when I took it off today! :eek:

Good job it held out then Mark ... lots of damage can happen if those explode while driving but I guess you know that ... glad you're sorted now :)
Good job it held out then Mark ... lots of damage can happen if those explode while driving but I guess you know that ... glad you're sorted now :)

To be honest, I was probably a bit naive as to how much damage can be done when a donut lets go. Either way, I'm all genned up on it now and replacing the whole set up next week. :)
after a 70km drive last night it didn't start this morning, put in a new batery, hope it's not the alternator...
fit in EGR blinding plate, didn't clean inlet manifold one of the screws "screwd" me for 3 hours and couldn't get it out
nothing at all. i do however have to go dig it out soon as we both have to go to work tonight x-( o_O

about 21:00 last night
I looked at it and decided i'm not going to bother trying to fix the problems that are stopped it from running because the radiator hasn't got any anti freeze in it and is frozen solid.
Went to start mine, it as been in the middle of an open field for the last two days at -16c. The battery was flat. I don't know why as it is only about 12 months old. Eventually started, managed to get enough of a turn to fire it up. Then found the diesel has either frozen or the filter is blocked. Put the battery on charge I will leave the rest until the weather warms up a few degrees
Removed seats and fitted a dog bed..........I dont understand why the wife was upset when I told her I would fit her a seat in the tub's not that i had not got a plan:mad:
Battery now charged up a bit but will leave it on over night. Started her up and all seemed fine. I just think it wanted a bit of a lay in this morning or maybe the diesel was frozen? -16c for two days in and open field.
Battery now charged up a bit but will leave it on over night. Started her up and all seemed fine. I just think it wanted a bit of a lay in this morning or maybe the diesel was frozen? -16c for two days in and open field.

Have found over the last 2 winters that diesel starts to wax at about the -16C mark - add 10% petrol and this lowers it to about -26C :)
Spent the day using my landy for work again. The majority of the snow has melted but I did get to right an accident damaged landcruiser and then extract it across 3 fields to get it to a Recovery transporter.
spent the day at buildwas with all the harper 4x4 gorup, Langers was stuck for an hour and took 2 winches and a 7tonne dozer to get him out, Discomikey had to winch himself 200 yards using a hi-lift and i had to get pulled out after the tow-bar anchor thing dug in. all in all a brilliant day :)
Cleaned all the f***ing salt of him, I think the government should ditch the salt and invest in some lessons for people who can't drive

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