I got me boots out the boot!


Fitted home made snorkel, wading kit, replacement door handle and gave it a wash. (soaped it up and let the rain do the rest)
Yup pics deffo needed of home made snorkel, need to know how mine fairs up hehe.

This weekend made a few brackets for the Astra GTE seats, wired up the 4 roof lights, made a bit of dash panel and wired in dual battery gauge. Mounted cut-off switch for the fan but ran out of wire before I could wire it up. Back flushed the radiator using the garden hose and gaffa tape (colour of water was horrid!).
put me front axle back in new shocks coils and bushes just got to get engine runnin bodywork back on paint it finish electrics !!!!!!!!!!!!!!:rolleyes:

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