I took a women out in it (not blow up variety thet get in Devon) grinlaning a real women with real women bits and she wasnt related or Cornish

fantastic. Just shows power of red 90's.
got anythin for under a grand yet?!try marks/spencer, i knocked mine down from £700 with tesco (full comp),1 year ncb full recovery cover

to £500, full recovery...bargain!though limited millage to 8k

Best one I've had so far was £1050, marks and sparks quoted me £1300

I'll ring AF tomorrow, they quoted me £800 on a heavily modded 88 V8 so I rekon I'll be alright with them.

Plus the bird who I deal with at AF sounds fit as **** ;)
thing is in figures I pay more now for insurance than when I was 18 and just passed me test...

compared to income though a lot less.... :)
I fitted my snorkel friday. I haven't fully sealed it yet but I have never seen air pipes leak as much. I think it might take a lot of silicone sealer to seal the bugger up.:(
got more annoyed at series not running right, with everything down, its either manifold gasket pulling air in, or head gasket fooked! great

on the plus side, the disco's right side roof lights are working again! relay was clicking, just no feed to the light from battery. solved!

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