Got most of the wiring done for my roof lights. Replaced two of them with X-Lites - really nice little lamps. Gonna have to do the other two now as they look decidedly pants in comparison!
Finally got my heater o-rings replaced and heater back in service, without the bypass. So far so good, extended road test revealed no leaks and heat where there should be, although it looks like the distribution blend motor is either stuck or knackered, but that's a job for tomorrow.
Fitted a new centre and rear section of the exhaust. Took an hour and a half, a nice simple and satisfying job.
fitted new whip


Fitted Steering guard

and took the side steps off, looks better now :)


Fitting the 2" lift kit nx weekend :)
Worked out why one of the Wipac 8" spots I fitted a week ago had stopped working already. Bloomin' dodgy connector INSIDE the light itself. Brilliant.
Had a wee play in the snow going intae town today... and on the way back:D Then fitted me new headlights as the other ones were gettin' a wee bit rotten;)
managed to get back into the workshop today (well after a hour of ceiling painting at home first :rolleyes:) and fitted the front anti-roll bar
thought the fitting of the rear 1 made a differance but this 1 makes a hell of a differance corners like its on rails now:D

I had mine washed today :D i know it's not normally the done thing but it was filthy wiv road salt and i would like to keep what little i have left of me O/S floor until i get round to welding it up in the summer :D
Subjected it to the missus' driving .

Potentially I could be away abroad with work again a week Tuesday so figured she has to learn to remain independent around here - and it's her car !

The road to our house is not possible to get to with anything other that a 4x4 since mid november. It's a farm track - you turn off the farm track into a fairly steep valley then round a 180 degree bend on a steep slope The car and my van have not been much closer than 2 miles. Rusty copes with it well though !

The farmer drives a defender 90 and my neighbour walks to his car and thinks im going to get the Landy stuck at the house one ofthese days !- im still waiting - was 8 inches deep when I first got it and it got out

Here's hoping she gets the hang of it - tomorrow morning she's driving me round the bend and up the hill !
i have been TRYING to remove the peg on the rear diff flange(still stuck in)

also replaced a front stub axle due to the siezed wheel bearing changed the brake discs and other side bearing oh and the broken CV joint hehe was a good weekend :)
finally got round to investigating the mysterious and slightly scary ticking noise coming from my 200Di. After being told by 2 mechanics that it sounded like a sticky valve and resigning myself to taking the head off at the weekend :(, thought I might as well check the tappets. All were within a smidge of the proscribed .008''..........apart from 1 at about .025''.......turns out the bloody IDIOT who set them when he put the engine in.....ME :doh: didnt pinch up the adjuster :doh::doh:..........She's running sweet as a nut again now :D:rolleyes:
refitted my head unit as i did a crap job when i swopped the cassette player one for a cd player... and checked rear speaker as young un sed it wasnt workin... took it all apart and then found out it was working fine... kids!!!
adjusted door handle mechanism so i dont have to swing on the handles to open the doors anymore... plus gf and daughter were strugglin to get in.. lots better now...

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