Thats the big spider behind your dash that looks after the car for you to stop it getting nicked. It's got a big black body about the size of a fag packet. It's huuuuuuuge.;)

It's correct the name for the alarm ecu.:D :D :D
your sooooooo mean!!!:eek: ;)
am gonna fill your landy full o moths, so the flappy wing sound drives ya mad:D :D :p
your sooooooo mean!!!:eek: ;)
am gonna fill your landy full o moths, so the flappy wing sound drives ya mad:D :D :p

Tis easier to find spiders in daylight than it is to find moths.;) While you're hunting your first moth I coulda filled your disco to overflowing wiv big hairy spiders.:D
soon sort that out ......... what time you comming round monday ??? could do a couple of local lanes if you get ere earlier enough !!!!!!!!

Might have to errrm 'test' the repairs to see if they are up to 'off roading' standards.;) :p :p :p

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