Finally got my half shaft out, complete and looking surprisingly good! Pics on the thread in the Disco section ... ;)
After noticing the filings on my n/s/r wheel I've discovered it's not a stone trapped in the brake disc backplate!:doh:
Polybushed A frame and fitted new balljoint (never again)
Took the sill covers off and found holes.. oh well, better get the welder out.
I shall be fitting this tonight


Big thanks to Pikey for the lending it. Cheers.
Today I have mostly been sanding one of me series 3's......and then giving it a coat of Bronze Green. Tomorrow I shall be peeling the next door neighbours cat of it.
Hit 191 miles today on a single filling of gas (a new record) :p .... and she's not out yet!

Getting a better range every time I run her dry :D
Hit 191 miles today on a single filling of gas (a new record) :p .... and she's not out yet!

Getting a better range every time I run her dry :D

Bloody hell, how bigs yer tank???
best I ever got on a 30 odd quid fill up was 95 miles local.

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