Bought a proper lucas seal kit from the local indy and a set of unipart cylinders from partco today. Ah'm thinkin' of takin' the brake cylinders back tho' and gettin' proper lucas ones from the indy. The reason bein' that ah asked about seal kits fur the cylinders they told me they don't make or get them any more... so for the sake of another fiver ah reckon ah'll stick wi' the lucas ones.

If anyone's interested in part numbers then here ye go...
Lucas seal kit- part # AEU2498G (or the lucas # SP7248)
Unipart brake cylinder- part # UGCGWC1542 and UGCGWC1543

Bear in mind these are fur a '91 200tdi 110.

Ah also took a cylinder off the other bus and cleaned it up tae see what it was like and it looks no' too bad. Ah'll probably stick the seal kit in them and use thum fur spares when needed ;):D
Found out that because I fitted my Klaxon horn just above the water pipes that feed the LPG evapotaor, it gets hot.
And when it gets hot it dont bloody work, just whirrs:mad:

So I can only use it when motoring along or for the first few miles in town.
Have to shift it:rolleyes:
changed the exhust, fitted the rear light guards and cut my little hands to bits.....oh that last bit it what has my landy done to me today :D
Removed the front plate/struts ready to lower the radiator brackets by 28mm (apparently), AND sweated for two and a half hours to undo the banjo bolt on the back of the PAS pump - don't ya just love the way the books and blogs always use glib terms like "undo"...or "remove"...???? AAahhh...the joys!
put another gearbox and new clutch in my disco 1 single handed, bloody heavy. putin props. exhaust back on tommorow, if gears still grate prob pull hair out , shouldnt though found nacked cluth arm.
Lent mine to the wife to take the kids out - which means I've driven to work in a 'normal car' for the first time in ages.

It felt like my backside was dragging on the floor - scary low driving position.

Though it made up for it when I pressed the go pedal. :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

And it corners rather than tacks :eek:
Plan on taking mine for a MOT tomoz, will check me new tires once i got some space n light.Or might just have a hangover....
well failed it 6 months ago and been working on it since.Done everything on the failure sheet me self cept the brakes.Id rather pay someone to do them for me than cock it up.Should go through ok after that.
well after stripping my 200tdi for spare bits i decided to send what was left to the big disco graveyard in the sky ...........RIP Doris the disco:5bangelsad2:
went round to D71s place to swap a bearing in my disco and fix his series. series was a quick fi.... well we know what it isnt :D disco was also a quick fix thanks to D71 havin the right tools (big screwdriver) and knowing where everything goes (front hub bearings). also swapped my fuel filter for 1 from "D71 Parts Dept" - glad i did cause i think mine was a bit fooked:doh:

cheers again mate, i owe ya :D
no probs mate, your old fuel filter was heavier empty than the new one full of fuel :eek:

ordered new clutch master cylinder so should be sorted this week !
well guys i must say that im knackered and aching and i tell you why.

decided to crack on with the jobs on the rangie,10 am i started putting my gear out and started,

changed rear air springs x 2,changed rear discs for new ones and pads cleaned up calipers gave them a coat of silver,

had fish n chips n cuppa tea
sat for half hour debating if i should change front air springs or not then jumped to it.

changed front air springs x 2,changed front discs for new one and pads clened up calipers gave them coat opf silver.

washed car,back in the house all washed up looking beautifull for 4.45pm
not bad going i think for a fatty like me lol :yawn:
well guys i must say that im knackered and aching and i tell you why.

decided to crack on with the jobs on the rangie,10 am i started putting my gear out and started,

changed rear air springs x 2,changed rear discs for new ones and pads cleaned up calipers gave them a coat of silver,

had fish n chips n cuppa tea
sat for half hour debating if i should change front air springs or not then jumped to it.

changed front air springs x 2,changed front discs for new one and pads clened up calipers gave them coat opf silver.

washed car,back in the house all washed up looking beautifull for 4.45pm
not bad going i think for a fatty like me lol :yawn:

not bad going at all
no probs mate, your old fuel filter was heavier empty than the new one full of fuel :eek:

ordered new clutch master cylinder so should be sorted this week !

good stuff, if ya need a hand give us a shout:D

cant believe that fuel filter, didnt think it would be that bad!! forgot to try the ABS aswell:doh: its a tomorrow job now

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