I've undersealed the car and like a **** gone over some of the bushed, and also spent 30mins in the shower trying to get it off!
I int done nuffink. I is still waiting to get it back from the landy hospital.:mad:
I'm hoping it will be ready by friday. I think realisticly it'll be monday or tuesday though.:)

cool,it's good that something is finally happening with it,are the bodgers footing the bill,or do they not realise that yet.:D:D
excellent, so the ratmobile will indeed make it to the wight island?
on another note, has anyone ever heard of a company called quadratech?
cool,it's good that something is finally happening with it,are the bodgers footing the bill,or do they not realise that yet.:D:D

They still don't know yet.;)

excellent, so the ratmobile will indeed make it to the wight island?
on another note, has anyone ever heard of a company called quadratech?

Yep. It bloody better make it.:p

There are loads of companies by that name.
this one is in sw3 in londonchester and apparently do a rather sweet 200tdi recon engine for around the £300 mark...

also any of you chaps around for the london to brighton run on the 4th of october?
Father in law to be (i know) drove it, as i'm banned, was good to go out in it again

missed the old girl

love it when i overhear people saying things like, big enough for him, not knowing it's me and MINE!!!
Got a puncture, so put the spare on. Guess what only had 8psi in it :mad:

Quick trip to get it filled, jobs a good'un.
Waxoiled the C pillars, refitted bung, Schultzed rear wheel arches, adjusted front wheell bearings, checked why indicators dont switch orf and why ns mirror dont move :( on green machine.
Waxoiled the slitty - well doors and rear subframe ;).
walked past Tufftee.
wired up twin electrical fan that would only work with aircon on my ten year old helped with the wiring and fitted a new mud flap and arch oh and put another £20 diesel in "AGAIN":):):)
I took the centre console off to give it a bit of a clean as it got a bit muddy on last play day in Salisbury.....
need to get a new radio too as the one that was there is dead after being soaked..

[JP];837897 said:
I took the centre console off to give it a bit of a clean as it got a bit muddy on last play day in Salisbury.....
need to get a new radio too as the one that was there is dead after being soaked..


Fat bastid, giz a bit of that caramel

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