Last night I noticed there was a light out on the rear passenger's side so investigated today. Seems like there's no current coming to the rear tail light and number plate light. The one on the other side works so rather than try to get the loom out and unwrap it I put a wire in a bit of corrugated tubing from the side that does work to the side that doesn't. All working as it should now. The brake lights and indicators were unaffected so I left them alone. The lights are all LEDs so the load on the good side will be minimal.
Changed out the front axle oil today...

...need to find out why my fuel sender is 25 % over reading tomorrow which is handy as I need to re-seat the tank sender gasket. I am hoping when I first fitted the sender I fitted the float upside-down :rolleyes:
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More electrical problems. I was driving over to my smallholding early yesterday morning and the dashboard lights went off. As everything else seemed to work, including the headlights, I carried on for a bit and pulled into the next services to have a look. The tail lights had gone off completely. As I'd joined everything together to transport current from the good side to the bad side, an intermittent short in the original supply had blown the fuse. So I disconnected the original wiring completely, so as to use only my new wires, and with a new fuse, we seem to be OK.
Just got back in from reseating the damn fuel sender in the tank. What a pita of a job. The thing is half obscured by the rear crossmember and is not a job for those with hands like pigs trotters. Anyway after some blue air the thing is correctly seated, we shall wait to see if it leaks again.
Took off, stripped , checked ,greased the winch then refitted, found the isolator switch was a little gunky inside. Someone must have been wading???
Greased UJs and steering.
Sprayed copius amounts of water through the rad and ontercooler fins to make sure they were nice and clear.

Added a little 75/90 to the D2's T box , must change that intermediate shaft O ring.....darn thing.

I completed one side replacing the stub axle and bearings. Also new brake caliper and new pads. No need for a disk as the old caliper had seized and the brake was not functioning!! Tomorrow I will do the other side.... :)

Nice , front of rear ? sounds like you had fun, were the stubs knackered then?

It was the rear, I work so slow it has taken me 6 hours to do one side.... :(
Yes it was knackered, it looks like the bearing had rotated on the shaft.
I just wanted to be sure before we go off adventuring again :)
Fitted silicon turbo pipes , Fitted boost gauge , also new serpentine belt (garage fitted the wrong one) f@@@@ idiots . £££ back when i go down .
Battery gave up last weekend so the 90 has been sat at work all week. I started it today without any issue so it might be the earth too.
Removed all sound proofing from footwells/bulkhead and started stripping off the double sided tape used to fix it originally. Tape is foam, soundproofing is foam backed, guaranteed to retain water and help rust-out the floor. Footwells look nice and green and shiny, apart from said rust. Water can now run away under the doors. WD40 is great for removing adhesive tape.

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