Morning off work today so finally got round to wiring up the amber strobes... just in time for an evening of "campsite service crew" tonight
Off to Manchester today to take my partner wool shopping.

We set off in brilliant sunshine, but it rained most of the way back. The windscreen wipers are broken again. The driver's side continued to work, but the passenger side gave up the ghost. It seems to be the spindle slipping in relation to the gear wheel. They're only pressed on. When it stops raining I shall take it out and notch it around the join with a chisel.
Went out to fix the wipers today and after I had dismantled the dash with its multitude of screws all slightly different sizes I discovered that what was slipping was the external splines in the wiper arm, rather than the internal wheelbox. So all fixed again now. I also found that the live wire to the lighter socket had detached itself, which may explain why the lighter does not work. I've crimped a new spade connector on the wire and it's working again.
Took a day to stop raining ;(
Oil and diesel filter change. Also changed rocker seal.
Will do rest of fluids later in week.
A day of ordering more bits today. On Thursday night it became clear that the worklights i've fitted on the rear (not yet wired up) will be really useful... but actually even more useful would be some "scene lights" (as the emergency services call them) on the sides to illuminate the area to the side of the vehicle.

Probably going to go for the same LED units that i've used for the rear work lights. Does mean a re-plan of the switches though as where originally I was going to have 1 switch there will now need to be 3.

Also deciding whether to bite the bullet and buy a vehicle mount VHF radio rather than using a handheld with a magmount aerial. Fleabay time!
did the weekly check on the tyre pressures earlier and ordered a t shirt with the 3 amigos on the chest.
Passesd mot yesterday and sorted the oil leak on the rear output shaft and leak on exhaust etc was a good day already for tommorow p&p day at silverdale.
Oil change & filters on the D2 V8, found the radiator bleed pipe a bit brittle with age, going to order a new one tomorrow.

Axles and transmission oils going to be changed on Wednesday.

Towing the big trailer and engine to Kingsfold Steam & Vintage Show on Friday, stopping until Sunday night.

Spent all afternoon under the wings of me 'Fender in hissing down rain trying to fit new headlights, repeaters and sidelights - Loved every minute of it (only cos things appeared to go right for a change) :)
Noticed a large screw in my front tyre so removed the wheel to have the puncture repaired. A quick glance at the brake pads showed them all evenly very worn so I replaced them as well.
Decided to tidy up interior, fit new driver seat, wire up spot lamps and prepare the old landy for sale in a couple of months. Mot as well if l can, it's not due till March but would pass tomorrow if necessary, mot man says it's like doing a new vehicle it's so clean underneath. Just the blue engine and box that some folk don't like : )
Got to spend the day by first changing four shocks on my D2, the old ones were completely worn out.

Then I had the joy of fixing a friends D2 TD5 starter motor. All good fun.

Next job is change a rear passenger door actuator, and change a drivers door lock barrel.

Fitted a new front prop (well, that was thursday, in prep for a 220 mile run to Leeds) and cured the oscillating rumble at 50 to 60 mph:)

Then today resecured the airbox and replaced the leak off pipes from the injectors. One was so weak, it split on the first pull!
So I ordered a load more parts, more grease and stuff and decided I was going to change my storage. I usually use a couple of Tesco (Other makes are available) home delivery boxes, which are very strong, one for tools and spares the other for spares, extra ropes and fluids. Trouble is, whilst they're great and easily removable etc the space in front is used for so much that I have to move stuff to get to tools, I want to make getting to tools much easier!

I knocked up a couple of drawers, waiting for the glue to dry so put them in the back for sizing, all seems good. I'm gonna weld a 1" square centre support so I can put a sheet of MDF or ply across with the table being removed and replaced when the sheet and support and drawers are in place. Also gonna put a 1" square (I have the sq tube already!) lip to the tub floor in front of the drawers so they stay in when not needed, but need lifting and pulling to pull them open. My hope is the 1" will be just enough to keep them in place and with a lower contact patch they'll slide easier. If anyone has any thoughts on that please feel free. Would wood, for instance, be a better choice for support and as a drawer slider?

They're not full length (32" deep x 15" wide) so I still have enough space to use the cooker in the back of the 90, and with enough of a gap at the side to stow the Hi-lift with it's weight as low as possible. With all the tools and spares stowed away I'm hoping that apart from a box of oils that won't fit in the drawers, the top shelf and table shelf will only be used for camping stuff, so all the heavy stuff is low with the light stuff high in the back.

In the pics the glue hasn't set yet, it takes 24 hours to cure properly and you can see the Hi-lift in place. I also shoved a 2x2 sq tube in between the drawers and the jack still went in and out easily .. with a 1x1 it'll be even better. The door closes nicely, just missing by <1/4" ish on the jack base plate, so might put a little foam or something on the bottom to negate rattling .. :)

It's coming along .. ;)

Not a good few days.

Sudden headlamp bulb failure meant a quick trip to Halfords (didnt have much choice at the time). Prompted me to actually get some spares in stock though

Saturday night the disco performed brilliantly on a Scout Night Hike as a support vehicle. The amber strobes performed brilliantly, although I really do need to get the work lights, and the side scene lights, sorted. The car was really comfortable for some long waits on checkpoints, and for the first time since having the car it was cool enough to run the heating for a bit!

On Sunday, after not much sleep, I got home and parked on the drive, noting that one of the tyres looked a "little low". I had completely forgotten about it on Monday morning when I got in a drove off to a meeting, until I started to turn off the drive and thought "that doesnt feel right - must be that low tyre". Got out to look and by now the tyre was totally flat.

Having not got round to replacing the spare (which had a bulge in the sidewall), I swapped the spare on, then headed off to the nearest tyre place at low speed to get them to change it. Nowhere had any branded tyres the right size in stock so its got a budget one on - but that will do for the spare long term. Really urgently need to choose what tyres i'm going for long term and get the spare, and another which is reaching the end of its life, replaced.

Then today, I stepped on the rear step whilst unloading the boot, and it broke, bending around by about 45 degrees. Looking at it the construction quality of the step itself is crap. The arm coming down seems fine but the body of the step is a thin hollow box - that was never going to last! Now to decide whether to get rid completely, or try to make something up of a better design

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