Tonight ah gave the bulkhead a last coat of primer...



Might leave it 'till Sunday before ah finally paint it.;):D
had a good clear out in the back ready for the morning S*L*U*T*S reci
fook me there is a rubber mat in the back after all :D
I cleaned up my propshafts to remove all the crud having soaked the UJ ends a few times to help with releasing them, and fettled the bolt holes a little to take the metric bolts (replacing all the imperial stuff as and when).

Now just to figure out how to get the UJ's out and fit the new ones. :confused: As someone who has previously only ever done basic servicing and the odd wee repair on motors, I'm having to learn it all as I go. :dizzy:
put em in a vice with a socket that's larger than the uj on one side and a socket that just fits in the hole on the other and clamp tight the smaller socket will push the uj into the larger socket. Hey presto jobs a good un.
I've removed my Macho MT's and replaced them with Khumo Powerguard road tyres as I've sold the Macho's on Fleabay.

Also cleaned all the Paint & Rust of the spare wheel ready for repainting.
put em in a vice with a socket that's larger than the uj on one side and a socket that just fits in the hole on the other and clamp tight the smaller socket will push the uj into the larger socket. Hey presto jobs a good un.

Cheers Redhand. :)
FFS Buster ya not suggesting he should have done a search are you?? :eek:

:D :D :D
Aye, summit like that Red;)
Just havin' a quick scan through just now as got tae do some rubbin' and hopefully some paintin' tonight. Better go make a start.. catch ye anon mate;):D

Well technically I didn't ask how to do it - Redhand generously proffered the info. ;)

That said, I wish I had found it as straightforward as your excellent guide Busterbus - these ****ing UJ's must have been on the landy for a century - the circlips would not budge - seized absolutely solid and it took an hour and a half of battering, hammering, prising etc. Managed to break the Brother-in-law's vice in the process of knocking the UJ out. :eek:

For someone used to tinkering with computers, this is a whole new world! I do hope getting the new UJ in isn't as much of a painas getting the old one out!

The rear shaft can go **** itself - I'm gonna nick the shaft off my SIII instead. :D

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