Whipped the centre seat out and fitted a bracket to the A post in anticipation of the snorkel, removed the stereo to find a myriad of wires and fuses (cut the blue wire :confused:). Found more problems as you do, so now I need a replacement runner for my passenger seat. On a plus note me 'fender' mentor across the road has a replacement rear wiper motor for me.

Fettled a bracket for my dog guard so now that is fitted nicely. As much as I love the dogs it can be frustrating when they appear in the driving seat, so load area only for Nelly and Hudson.

Tomorrow is another repair, sorry day.
Did a 200 kilometer trip to Lyon and back moving my sons girlfriends to a new flat in 39 degrees C. Seems my new Rad and Viscous fan are all in good working order.
Dintrol wax layer to the chassis/underneath.....

Doing the Dinitrol paint layer tomorrow :)

Then a few more jobs to do before I go back to work....
Well I've done the Dinitrol chassis paint and re-aligned the intercooler pipe so that it doesn't knock against the wing :)

Ordered a wading kit, new horns and snorkel today..... Snorkel should arrive tomorrow so might fit that tomorrow too.....

Doing the Dinitrol stone chip in the wheel arches tomorrow.
My southdown snorkel came yesterday so as son was on his day off i got him to fit it and it looks great aswell as fit two of the 4 new 16 x 8 deep dish mod's the other two are having the tyres swapped over today so should be fitted at the weekend with some pic's :D
Well done the dinitrol stone chip in the arches and the spray wax in the doors so it's all dinitrolled now.

It's just started raining.
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Just spent AGES waiting at Land Rover waiting for a quote for a price for a cyclone breather for my 300tdi, they didnt know what it was...
Just back from a trip to Banbury taking my friend to see a TD5 90 for sale which he'd like to buy. Seemed OK. Beautifully kept above ground, but a trip underneath revealed the filthiest undercarriage I'd ever seen. The chassis all seemed to be there under the mud. so with a good hose down and a few cans of Dinitrol we'll be OK. Oil leaks, but they didn't seem to be too severe. I was going to plug my Nanocom in and read the faults but my friend had agreed a price with the vendor whilst I was out testing the ABS on the lane outside. So his enthusiasm got the better of him. Never mind, in the event of problems, everything's repairable . . . .
Fitted a snorkel - It's one of the military type ones. Very good build quality but I had to modify it to fit my landy due to the roll cage. Still, it's on now.

Oh and fitted a timing belt case breather and new breathers to both axles. In the next couple of days I'll fit the new breather hoses around it and plumb it into the snorkel.

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